path: root/global-functions.rsc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'global-functions.rsc')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/global-functions.rsc b/global-functions.rsc
index 17ccda8..447d6e9 100644
--- a/global-functions.rsc
+++ b/global-functions.rsc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Michael Gisbers <michael@gisbers.de>
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md
-# requires RouterOS, version=7.12
+# requires RouterOS, version=7.13
# global functions
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
:local ScriptName [ :jobname ];
# expected configuration version
-:global ExpectedConfigVersion 124;
+:global ExpectedConfigVersion 129;
# global variables not to be changed by user
:global GlobalFunctionsReady false;
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
:global DownloadPackage;
:global EitherOr;
:global EscapeForRegEx;
-:global FetchUserAgent;
+:global FetchHuge;
+:global FetchUserAgentStr;
:global FormatLine;
:global FormatMultiLines;
:global GetMacVendor;
@@ -49,16 +50,15 @@
:global IsMacLocallyAdministered;
:global IsTimeSync;
:global LogPrint;
-:global LogPrintExit2;
:global LogPrintOnce;
:global MAX;
:global MIN;
:global MkDir;
:global NotificationFunctions;
:global ParseDate;
-:global ParseJson;
:global ParseKeyValueStore;
:global PrettyPrint;
+:global ProtocolStrip;
:global RandomDelay;
:global RequiredRouterOS;
:global ScriptFromTerminal;
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
:if ([ :len [ /certificate/find where common-name=$CommonName ] ] = 0) do={
- $LogPrint info $0 ("Certificate with CommonName \"" . $CommonName . "\" not available.");
+ $LogPrint info $0 ("Certificate with CommonName '" . $CommonName . "' not available.");
:if ([ $CertificateDownload $CommonName ] = false) do={
:return false;
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@
:local CertVal [ /certificate/get [ find where common-name=$CommonName ] ];
:while (($CertVal->"akid") != "" && ($CertVal->"akid") != ($CertVal->"skid")) do={
:if ([ :len [ /certificate/find where skid=($CertVal->"akid") ] ] = 0) do={
- $LogPrint info $0 ("Certificate chain for \"" . $CommonName . \
- "\" is incomplete, missing \"" . ([ $ParseKeyValueStore ($CertVal->"issuer") ]->"CN") . "\".");
+ $LogPrint info $0 ("Certificate chain for '" . $CommonName . \
+ "' is incomplete, missing '" . ([ $ParseKeyValueStore ($CertVal->"issuer") ]->"CN") . "'.");
:if ([ $CertificateDownload $CommonName ] = false) do={
:return false;
@@ -137,27 +137,27 @@
:global CertificateNameByCN;
:global CleanName;
- :global FetchUserAgent;
+ :global FetchUserAgentStr;
:global LogPrint;
:global WaitForFile;
$LogPrint info $0 ("Downloading and importing certificate with " . \
- "CommonName \"" . $CommonName . "\".");
+ "CommonName '" . $CommonName . "'.");
:do {
:local FileName ([ $CleanName $CommonName ] . ".pem");
- /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgent $0 ] }) \
+ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgentStr $0 ] }) \
($ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl . "certs/" . $FileName . $ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix) \
dst-path=$FileName as-value;
$WaitForFile $FileName;
/certificate/import file-name=$FileName passphrase="" as-value;
:delay 1s;
- /file/remove $FileName;
+ /file/remove [ find where name=$FileName ];
:foreach Cert in=[ /certificate/find where name~("^" . $FileName . "_[0-9]+\$") ] do={
$CertificateNameByCN [ /certificate/get $Cert common-name ];
} on-error={
- $LogPrint warning $0 ("Failed importing certificate with CommonName \"" . $CommonName . "\"!");
+ $LogPrint warning $0 ("Failed importing certificate with CommonName '" . $CommonName . "'!");
:return false;
:return true;
@@ -229,12 +229,20 @@
:for I from=0 to=([ :len $Input ] - 1) do={
:local Char [ :pick $Input $I ];
- :if ([ :typeof [ find "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-" $Char ] ] = "nil") do={
- :set Char "-";
- }
- :if ($Char != "-" || [ :pick $Return ([ :len $Return ] - 1) ] != "-") do={
- :set Return ($Return . $Char);
+ :if ([ :typeof [ find "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" $Char ] ] = "nil") do={
+ :do {
+ :if ([ :len $Return ] = 0) do={
+ :error true;
+ }
+ :if ([ :pick $Return ([ :len $Return ] - 1) ] = "-") do={
+ :error true;
+ }
+ :set Char "-";
+ } on-error={
+ :set Char "";
+ }
+ :set Return ($Return . $Char);
:return $Return;
@@ -390,8 +398,55 @@
:return $Return;
+# fetch huge data to file, read in chunks
+:set FetchHuge do={
+ :local ScriptName [ :tostr $1 ];
+ :local Url [ :tostr $2 ];
+ :local CheckCert [ :tobool $3 ];
+ :global CleanName;
+ :global FetchUserAgentStr;
+ :global GetRandom20CharAlNum;
+ :global IfThenElse;
+ :global LogPrint;
+ :global MkDir;
+ :global WaitForFile;
+ :set CheckCert [ $IfThenElse ($CheckCert = false) "no" "yes-without-crl" ];
+ :local DirName ("tmpfs/" . [ $CleanName $ScriptName ]);
+ :if ([ $MkDir $DirName ] = false) do={
+ $LogPrint error $0 ("Failed creating directory!");
+ :return false;
+ }
+ :local FileName ($DirName . "/" . [ $CleanName $0 ] . "-" . [ $GetRandom20CharAlNum ]);
+ :do {
+ /tool/fetch check-certificate=$CheckCert $Url dst-path=$FileName \
+ http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgentStr $ScriptName ] }) as-value;
+ } on-error={
+ :if ([ $WaitForFile $FileName 500ms ] = true) do={
+ /file/remove $FileName;
+ }
+ $LogPrint debug $0 ("Failed downloading from: " . $Url);
+ /file/remove $DirName;
+ :return false;
+ }
+ $WaitForFile $FileName;
+ :local FileSize [ /file/get $FileName size ];
+ :local Return "";
+ :local VarSize 0;
+ :while ($VarSize < $FileSize) do={
+ :set Return ($Return . ([ /file/read offset=$VarSize chunk-size=32768 file=$FileName as-value ]->"data"));
+ :set VarSize [ :len $Return ];
+ }
+ /file/remove $DirName;
+ :return $Return;
# generate user agent string for fetch
-:set FetchUserAgent do={
+:set FetchUserAgentStr do={
:local Caller [ :tostr $1 ];
:local Resource [ /system/resource/get ];
@@ -533,11 +588,13 @@
:local Base [ :tonum $2 ];
:global EitherOr;
+ :global IfThenElse;
:local Prefix "kMGTPE";
:local Pow 1;
:set Base [ $EitherOr $Base 1024 ];
+ :local Bin [ $IfThenElse ($Base = 1024) "i" "" ];
:if ($Input < $Base) do={
:return $Input;
@@ -550,9 +607,11 @@
:local Tmp1 ($Input * 100 / $Pow);
:local Tmp2 ($Tmp1 / 100);
:if ($Tmp2 >= 100) do={
- :return ($Tmp2 . $Prefix);
+ :return ($Tmp2 . $Prefix . $Bin);
- :return ($Tmp2 . "." . [ :pick $Tmp1 [ :len $Tmp2 ] ([ :len $Tmp1 ] - [ :len $Tmp2 ] + 1) ] . $Prefix);
+ :return ($Tmp2 . "." . \
+ [ :pick $Tmp1 [ :len $Tmp2 ] ([ :len $Tmp1 ] - [ :len $Tmp2 ] + 1) ] . \
+ $Prefix . $Bin);
@@ -614,7 +673,7 @@
:global IsTimeSyncCached;
:global IsTimeSyncResetNtp;
- :global LogPrint;
+ :global LogPrintOnce;
:if ($IsTimeSyncCached = true) do={
:return true;
@@ -626,14 +685,15 @@
:return true;
+ :local Uptime [ /system/resource/get uptime ];
:if ([ :typeof $IsTimeSyncResetNtp ] = "nothing") do={
- :set IsTimeSyncResetNtp 0s;
+ :set IsTimeSyncResetNtp $Uptime;
- :local Uptime [ /system/resource/get uptime ];
:if ($Uptime - $IsTimeSyncResetNtp < 3m) do={
:return false;
+ $LogPrintOnce warning $0 ("The ntp client is configured, but did not sync.");
:set IsTimeSyncResetNtp $Uptime;
/system/ntp/client/set enabled=no;
:delay 20ms;
@@ -643,7 +703,7 @@
:if ([ /system/license/get ]->"level" = "free" || \
[ /system/resource/get ]->"board-name" = "x86") do={
- $LogPrint debug $0 ("No ntp client configured, relying on RTC for CHR free license and x86.");
+ $LogPrintOnce debug $0 ("No ntp client configured, relying on RTC for CHR free license and x86.");
:return true;
@@ -655,7 +715,7 @@
:return false;
- $LogPrint debug $0 ("No time source configured! Returning gracefully...");
+ $LogPrintOnce debug $0 ("No time source configured! Returning gracefully...");
:return true;
@@ -698,27 +758,6 @@
-# log and print with same text, optionally exit
-# Deprectated! - TODO: remove later
-:set LogPrintExit2 do={
- :local Severity [ :tostr $1 ];
- :local Name [ :tostr $2 ];
- :local Message [ :tostr $3 ];
- :local Exit [ :tostr $4 ];
- :global LogPrint;
- :global LogPrintOnce;
- $LogPrintOnce warning $0 \
- ("This function is deprecated and will be removed. Please make your adjustments!");
- $LogPrint $1 $2 $3;
- :if ($Exit = "true") do={
- :error ("Hard error to exit.");
- }
# log and print, once until reboot
:set LogPrintOnce do={
:local Severity [ :tostr $1 ];
@@ -830,66 +869,6 @@
"day"=[ :tonum [ :pick $Date 8 10 ] ] });
-# parse JSON into array
-# Warning: This is not a complete parser!
-:set ParseJson do={
- :local Input [ :tostr $1 ];
- :local InLen;
- :local Return ({});
- :local Skip 0;
- :if ([ :pick $Input 0 ] = "{") do={
- :set Input [ :pick $Input 1 ([ :len $Input ] - 1) ];
- }
- :set Input [ :toarray $Input ];
- :set InLen [ :len $Input ];
- :for I from=0 to=$InLen do={
- :if ($Skip > 0 || $Input->$I = "\n" || $Input->$I = "\r\n") do={
- :if ($Skip > 0) do={
- :set $Skip ($Skip - 1);
- }
- } else={
- :local Done false;
- :local Key ($Input->$I);
- :local Val1 ($Input->($I + 1));
- :local Val2 ($Input->($I + 2));
- :if ($Val1 = ":") do={
- :set Skip 2;
- :set ($Return->$Key) $Val2;
- :set Done true;
- }
- :if ($Done = false && $Val1 = ":[") do={
- :local Last false;
- :set Skip 1;
- :set ($Return->$Key) ({});
- :do {
- :set Skip ($Skip + 1);
- :local ValX ($Input->($I + $Skip));
- :if ([ :pick $ValX ([ :len $ValX ] - 1) ] = "]") do={
- :set Last true;
- :set ValX [ :pick $ValX 0 ([ :len $ValX ] - 1) ];
- }
- :set ($Return->$Key) (($Return->$Key), $ValX);
- } while=($Last = false && $I + $Skip < $InLen);
- :set Done true;
- }
- :if ($Done = false && $Val1 = ":[]") do={
- :set Skip 1;
- :set ($Return->$Key) ({});
- :set Done true;
- }
- :if ($Done = false) do={
- :set Skip 1;
- :set ($Return->$Key) [ :pick $Val1 1 [ :len $Val1 ] ];
- }
- }
- }
- :return $Return;
# parse key value store
:set ParseKeyValueStore do={
:local Source $1;
@@ -917,6 +896,17 @@
:put [ $Unix2Dos $Input ];
+# strip protocol from from url string
+:set ProtocolStrip do={
+ :local Input [ :tostr $1 ];
+ :local Pos [ :find $Input "://" ];
+ :if ([ :typeof $Pos ] = "nil") do={
+ :return $Input;
+ }
+ :return [ :pick $Input ($Pos + 3) [ :len $Input ] ];
# delay a random amount of seconds
:set RandomDelay do={
:local Time [ :tonum $1 ];
@@ -963,6 +953,11 @@
:local Script [ :tostr $1 ];
:global LogPrint;
+ :global ScriptLock;
+ :if ([ $ScriptLock $Script ] = false) do={
+ :return false;
+ }
:foreach Job in=[ /system/script/job/find where script=$Script ] do={
:set Job [ /system/script/job/get $Job ];
@@ -974,8 +969,8 @@
:return true;
- $LogPrint debug $0 ("Script " . $Script . " NOT started from terminal.");
+ $LogPrint debug $0 ("Script " . $Script . " NOT started from terminal.");
:return false;
@@ -993,7 +988,7 @@
:global CertificateAvailable;
:global EitherOr;
- :global FetchUserAgent;
+ :global FetchUserAgentStr;
:global Grep;
:global IfThenElse;
:global LogPrint;
@@ -1039,7 +1034,7 @@
:local Url ($BaseUrl . $ScriptVal->"name" . ".rsc" . $UrlSuffix);
$LogPrint debug $0 ("Fetching script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "' from url: " . $Url);
:local Result [ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl \
- http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgent $0 ] }) $Url output=user as-value ];
+ http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgentStr $0 ] }) $Url output=user as-value ];
:if ($Result->"status" = "finished") do={
:set SourceNew ($Result->"data");
@@ -1122,7 +1117,7 @@
:local Url ($ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl . "news-and-changes.rsc" . $ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix);
$LogPrint debug $0 ("Fetching news, changes and migration: " . $Url);
:local Result [ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl \
- http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgent $0 ] }) $Url output=user as-value ];
+ http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgentStr $0 ] }) $Url output=user as-value ];
:if ($Result->"status" = "finished") do={
:set ChangeLogCode ($Result->"data");
@@ -1310,20 +1305,23 @@
$AddTicket $Script $MyTicket;
:local WaitCount 0;
- :while ($WaitMax > $WaitCount && ([ $IsFirstTicket $Script $MyTicket ] = false || [ $TicketCount $Script ] < [ $JobCount $Script ])) do={
+ :while ($WaitMax > $WaitCount && \
+ ([ $IsFirstTicket $Script $MyTicket ] = false || \
+ [ $TicketCount $Script ] < [ $JobCount $Script ])) do={
:set WaitCount ($WaitCount + 1);
:delay 100ms;
- :if ([ $IsFirstTicket $Script $MyTicket ] = true && [ $TicketCount $Script ] = [ $JobCount $Script ]) do={
+ :if ([ $IsFirstTicket $Script $MyTicket ] = true && \
+ [ $TicketCount $Script ] = [ $JobCount $Script ]) do={
$RemoveTicket $Script $MyTicket;
$CleanupTickets $Script;
:return true;
$RemoveTicket $Script $MyTicket;
- $LogPrint info $0 ("Script '" . $Script . "' started more than once" . [ $IfThenElse ($WaitCount > 0) \
- " and timed out waiting for lock" "" ] . "...");
+ $LogPrint debug $0 ("Script '" . $Script . "' started more than once" . \
+ [ $IfThenElse ($WaitCount > 0) " and timed out waiting for lock" "" ] . "...");
:return false;
@@ -1331,7 +1329,7 @@
:set SendNotification do={
:global SendNotification2;
- $SendNotification2 ({ subject=$1; message=$2; link=$3; silent=$4 });
+ $SendNotification2 ({ origin=$0; subject=$1; message=$2; link=$3; silent=$4 });
# send notification via NotificationFunctions - expects one array argument
@@ -1520,13 +1518,14 @@
:global CleanFilePath;
:global EitherOr;
+ :global MAX;
:set FileName [ $CleanFilePath $FileName ];
:local I 1;
- :local Delay ([ :totime [ $EitherOr $WaitTime 2s ] ] / 20);
+ :local Delay ([ $MAX [ $EitherOr $WaitTime 2s ] 100ms ] / 10);
:while ([ :len [ /file/find where name=$FileName ] ] = 0) do={
- :if ($I >= 20) do={
+ :if ($I >= 10) do={
:return false;
:delay $Delay;