path: root/DEBUG.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'DEBUG.md')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DEBUG.md b/DEBUG.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e9beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DEBUG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Debug output and logs
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+Sometimes scripts do not behave as expected. In these cases debug output
+or logs can help.
+## Debug output
+Run this command in a terminal:
+ :set PrintDebug true;
+You will then see debug output when running the script from terminal.
+To revert to default output run:
+ :set PrintDebug false;
+### Debug output for specific script
+Even having debug output for a specific script or function only (or a
+set of) is possible. To enable debug output for `telegram-chat` run:
+ :set ($PrintDebugOverride->"telegram-chat") true;
+## Debug logs
+The debug info can go to system log. To make it show up in `memory` run:
+ /system/logging/add topics=script,debug action=memory;
+Other actions (`disk`, `email`, `remote` or `support`) can be used as
+well. I do not recommend using `echo` - use [debug output](#debug-output)
+Disable or remote that setting to restore regular logging.
+## Verbose output
+Specific scripts can generate huge amount of output. These do use a function
+`$LogPrintVerbose`, which is declared, but has no code, intentionally.
+If you *really* want that output set the function to be the same as
+ :set LogPrintVerbose $LogPrint;
+To revert that change just run:
+ :set LogPrintVerbose;
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