diff options
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/ipv6-update.rsc b/ipv6-update.rsc
index 1d7207b..350fc4b 100644
--- a/ipv6-update.rsc
+++ b/ipv6-update.rsc
@@ -8,74 +8,78 @@
# update firewall and dns settings on IPv6 prefix change
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/doc/ipv6-update.md
-:local 0 [ :jobname ];
:global GlobalFunctionsReady;
:while ($GlobalFunctionsReady != true) do={ :delay 500ms; }
-:local PdPrefix $"pd-prefix";
+:local Main do={
+ :local ScriptName [ :tostr $1 ];
+ :local PdPrefix $2;
-:global LogPrintExit2;
-:global ParseKeyValueStore;
-:global ScriptLock;
+ :global LogPrintExit2;
+ :global ParseKeyValueStore;
+ :global ScriptLock;
-$ScriptLock $0;
+ $ScriptLock $ScriptName;
-:if ([ :typeof $PdPrefix ] = "nothing") do={
- $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("This script is supposed to run from ipv6 dhcp-client.") true;
+ :if ([ :typeof $PdPrefix ] = "nothing") do={
+ $LogPrintExit2 error $ScriptName ("This script is supposed to run from ipv6 dhcp-client.") true;
+ }
-:local Pool [ /ipv6/pool/get [ find where prefix=$PdPrefix ] name ];
-:if ([ :len [ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/find where comment=("ipv6-pool-" . $Pool) ] ] = 0) do={
- /ipv6/firewall/address-list/add list=("ipv6-pool-" . $Pool) address=:: comment=("ipv6-pool-" . $Pool);
- $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Added ipv6 address list entry for ipv6-pool-" . $Pool) false;
-:local AddrList [ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/find where comment=("ipv6-pool-" . $Pool) ];
-:local OldPrefix [ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/get ($AddrList->0) address ];
+ :local Pool [ /ipv6/pool/get [ find where prefix=$PdPrefix ] name ];
+ :if ([ :len [ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/find where comment=("ipv6-pool-" . $Pool) ] ] = 0) do={
+ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/add list=("ipv6-pool-" . $Pool) address=:: comment=("ipv6-pool-" . $Pool);
+ $LogPrintExit2 warning $ScriptName ("Added ipv6 address list entry for ipv6-pool-" . $Pool) false;
+ }
+ :local AddrList [ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/find where comment=("ipv6-pool-" . $Pool) ];
+ :local OldPrefix [ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/get ($AddrList->0) address ];
-:if ($OldPrefix != $PdPrefix) do={
- $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Updating IPv6 address list with new IPv6 prefix " . $PdPrefix) false;
- /ipv6/firewall/address-list/set address=$PdPrefix $AddrList;
+ :if ($OldPrefix != $PdPrefix) do={
+ $LogPrintExit2 info $ScriptName ("Updating IPv6 address list with new IPv6 prefix " . $PdPrefix) false;
+ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/set address=$PdPrefix $AddrList;
- # give the interfaces a moment to receive their addresses
- :delay 2s;
+ # give the interfaces a moment to receive their addresses
+ :delay 2s;
- :foreach ListEntry in=[ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/find where comment~("^ipv6-pool-" . $Pool . ",") ] do={
- :local ListEntryVal [ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/get $ListEntry ];
- :local Comment [ $ParseKeyValueStore ($ListEntryVal->"comment") ];
+ :foreach ListEntry in=[ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/find where comment~("^ipv6-pool-" . $Pool . ",") ] do={
+ :local ListEntryVal [ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/get $ListEntry ];
+ :local Comment [ $ParseKeyValueStore ($ListEntryVal->"comment") ];
- :local Prefix [ /ipv6/address/find where from-pool=$Pool interface=($Comment->"interface") global ];
- :if ([ :len $Prefix ] = 1) do={
- :set Prefix [ /ipv6/address/get $Prefix address ];
+ :local Prefix [ /ipv6/address/find where from-pool=$Pool interface=($Comment->"interface") global ];
+ :if ([ :len $Prefix ] = 1) do={
+ :set Prefix [ /ipv6/address/get $Prefix address ];
- :if ([ :typeof [ :find ($ListEntryVal->"address") "/128" ] ] = "num" ) do={
- :set Prefix ([ :toip6 [ :pick $Prefix 0 [ :find $Prefix "/64" ] ] ] & ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::);
- :local Address ($ListEntryVal->"address");
- :local Address ($Prefix | ([ :toip6 [ :pick $Address 0 [ :find $Address "/128" ] ] ] & ::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff));
- $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Updating IPv6 address list with new IPv6 host address " . $Address . \
- " from interface " . ($Comment->"interface")) false;
- /ipv6/firewall/address-list/set address=$Address $ListEntry;
- } else={
- $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Updating IPv6 address list with new IPv6 prefix " . $Prefix . \
- " from interface " . ($Comment->"interface")) false;
- /ipv6/firewall/address-list/set address=$Prefix $ListEntry;
+ :if ([ :typeof [ :find ($ListEntryVal->"address") "/128" ] ] = "num" ) do={
+ :set Prefix ([ :toip6 [ :pick $Prefix 0 [ :find $Prefix "/64" ] ] ] & ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::);
+ :local Address ($ListEntryVal->"address");
+ :local Address ($Prefix | ([ :toip6 [ :pick $Address 0 [ :find $Address "/128" ] ] ] & ::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff));
+ $LogPrintExit2 info $ScriptName ("Updating IPv6 address list with new IPv6 host address " . $Address . \
+ " from interface " . ($Comment->"interface")) false;
+ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/set address=$Address $ListEntry;
+ } else={
+ $LogPrintExit2 info $ScriptName ("Updating IPv6 address list with new IPv6 prefix " . $Prefix . \
+ " from interface " . ($Comment->"interface")) false;
+ /ipv6/firewall/address-list/set address=$Prefix $ListEntry;
+ }
- }
- :foreach Record in=[ /ip/dns/static/find where comment~("^ipv6-pool-" . $Pool . ",") ] do={
- :local RecordVal [ /ip/dns/static/get $Record ];
- :local Comment [ $ParseKeyValueStore ($RecordVal->"comment") ];
+ :foreach Record in=[ /ip/dns/static/find where comment~("^ipv6-pool-" . $Pool . ",") ] do={
+ :local RecordVal [ /ip/dns/static/get $Record ];
+ :local Comment [ $ParseKeyValueStore ($RecordVal->"comment") ];
- :local Prefix [ /ipv6/address/find where from-pool=$Pool interface=($Comment->"interface") global ];
- :if ([ :len $Prefix ] = 1) do={
- :set Prefix [ /ipv6/address/get $Prefix address ];
- :set Prefix ([ :toip6 [ :pick $Prefix 0 [ :find $Prefix "/64" ] ] ] & ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::);
- :local Address ($Prefix | ([ :toip6 ($RecordVal->"address") ] & ::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff));
+ :local Prefix [ /ipv6/address/find where from-pool=$Pool interface=($Comment->"interface") global ];
+ :if ([ :len $Prefix ] = 1) do={
+ :set Prefix [ /ipv6/address/get $Prefix address ];
+ :set Prefix ([ :toip6 [ :pick $Prefix 0 [ :find $Prefix "/64" ] ] ] & ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::);
+ :local Address ($Prefix | ([ :toip6 ($RecordVal->"address") ] & ::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff));
- $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Updating DNS record for " . ($RecordVal->"name") . \
- ($RecordVal->"regexp") . " to " . $Address) false;
- /ip/dns/static/set address=$Address $Record;
+ $LogPrintExit2 info $ScriptName ("Updating DNS record for " . ($RecordVal->"name") . \
+ ($RecordVal->"regexp") . " to " . $Address) false;
+ /ip/dns/static/set address=$Address $Record;
+ }
+$Main [ :jobname ] $"pd-prefix";