Run rolling CAP upgrades from CAPsMAN
ℹ️ Info: This script can not be used on its own but requires the base installation. See main README for details.
CAPsMAN can upgrade CAP devices. This script runs a rolling upgrade for out-of-date CAP devices. The idea is to have just a fraction of devices reboot at a time, having the others to serve wireless connectivity.
Note that the script does not wait for the CAPs to reconnect, it just defers the upgrade commands. The more CAPs you have the more will upgrade in parallel.
Requirements and installation
Just install the script on CAPsMAN device.
Depending on whether you use wifi
package (/interface/wifi
) or legacy
wifi with CAPsMAN (/caps-man
) you need to install a different script.
For wifi
$ScriptInstallUpdate capsman-rolling-upgrade.wifi;
For legacy CAPsMAN:
$ScriptInstallUpdate capsman-rolling-upgrade.capsman;
Usage and invocation
This script is intended as an add-on to capsman-download-packages, being invoked by that script when required.
Alternatively run it manually:
/system/script/run capsman-rolling-upgrade.wifi;