BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainfw-addr-lists: spamhaus.org returned to 'GTS Root R4'Gravatar Christian Hesse31 hours
nextfw-addr-lists: spamhaus.org returned to 'GTS Root R4'Gravatar Christian Hesse31 hours
routeros-v6adopt all required certificate changesGravatar Christian Hesse3 months
stagingnetwatch-dns: explicitly expect type=A...Gravatar Christian Hesse31 hours
routeros-7.17beta5-1commit 5b09469cc6...Gravatar Christian Hesse9 days
routeros-7.17beta4-2commit 07c9576377...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 weeks
routeros-7.17beta4-1commit 435f70999c...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 weeks
routeros-7.17beta2-2commit f2576cf558...Gravatar Christian Hesse8 weeks
routeros-7.17beta2-1commit 1776b8f50b...Gravatar Christian Hesse8 weeks
routeros-7.15-1commit 209c37664b...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.15-2commit a017f24224...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.15-3commit 32474c751f...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.14-1commit 380b3b3137...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
change-131commit cdb553d39b...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2024-04-06global-functions: introduce $FetchHugerouteros-7.13-4Gravatar Christian Hesse2-2/+39
2024-04-04README: update screenshot on lease script setupGravatar Christian Hesse1-0/+0
2024-04-04update list of contributorsGravatar Christian Hesse1-0/+1
2024-04-04README: add start-time & change interval in scheduler example•••Set the interval to once a day, Instead of every 1 hour. Add start-time to start-up. Thereby introducing randomization based on when the user last rebooted there device. As the interval is counted based on last boot time. Gravatar netravnen2-2/+2
2024-04-04update list of contributorsGravatar Christian Hesse1-0/+1
2024-04-02mod/notification-matrix: add new configuration snippet...•••... instead of appending to global-config-overlay. Gravatar Christian Hesse4-8/+14
2024-04-02Merge branch 'deserialize' into nextrouteros-7.13-3Gravatar Christian Hesse6-78/+16
2024-04-02global-functions: drop $ParseJsonGravatar Christian Hesse1-61/+0
2024-04-01telegram-chat: read file content...•••... instead of getting it. This lifts the size limit, though we are still limited by Telegram message size. This requires RouterOS 7.13. routeros-7.13-2change-126Gravatar Christian Hesse4-10/+9
2024-04-01mod/notification-matrix: use :deserialize ...•••... instead of $ParseJson. This requires RouterOS 7.13. Gravatar Christian Hesse2-5/+5