BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainfw-addr-lists: spamhaus.org returned to 'GTS Root R4'Gravatar Christian Hesse42 hours
nextfw-addr-lists: spamhaus.org returned to 'GTS Root R4'Gravatar Christian Hesse42 hours
routeros-v6adopt all required certificate changesGravatar Christian Hesse3 months
stagingnetwatch-dns: explicitly expect type=A...Gravatar Christian Hesse42 hours
routeros-7.17beta5-1commit 5b09469cc6...Gravatar Christian Hesse9 days
routeros-7.17beta4-2commit 07c9576377...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 weeks
routeros-7.17beta4-1commit 435f70999c...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 weeks
routeros-7.17beta2-2commit f2576cf558...Gravatar Christian Hesse8 weeks
routeros-7.17beta2-1commit 1776b8f50b...Gravatar Christian Hesse8 weeks
routeros-7.15-1commit 209c37664b...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.15-2commit a017f24224...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.15-3commit 32474c751f...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.14-1commit 380b3b3137...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
change-131commit cdb553d39b...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2021-05-18update Let's Encrypt trust chain•••Drop 'DST Root CA X3', use 'ISRG Root X1' instead. The migration code makes sure that... * the intermediate certificate 'R3' is signed by 'ISRG Root X1' * 'ISRG Root X1' is self-signed, not cross-signed by 'DST Root CA X3' * 'DST Root CA X3' is finally gone change-52Gravatar Christian Hesse4-3/+5
2021-05-18drop certificate DST Root CA X3•••Let's Encrypt planned the transition to ISRG's root certificate ("ISRG Root X1") on July 8, 2019, but postponed several times. Finally they found another solution: A certificate 'ISRG Root X1', but cross-signed with 'DST Root CA X3' and with a livetime that exceeds that of the root CA. This is said to work for most operating system where root certificate authorities are just 'trust anchors'. I doubt this is true for RouterOS, where certificates are just imported into the certificate store. So let's migrate to 'ISRG Root X1' now. Gravatar Christian Hesse3-91/+5
2021-05-17add 'ipsec-to-dns'change-51Gravatar Christian Hesse8-3/+120
2021-05-17dhcp-to-dns: use $0 in stringsGravatar Christian Hesse1-2/+2
2021-05-17dhcp-to-dns: put string into variableGravatar Christian Hesse1-4/+5
2021-05-07README: use svg logoGravatar Christian Hesse1-1/+1
2021-05-07logo: clean png exportGravatar Christian Hesse1-0/+0
2021-05-07logo: convert text to pathGravatar Christian Hesse1-24/+35
2021-05-07logo: scale to 96x96 pixelsGravatar Christian Hesse1-18/+22
2021-05-06Merge branch 'netwatch-notify' into nextGravatar Christian Hesse6-5/+50