#!rsc by RouterOS # RouterOS script: log-forward # Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Christian Hesse # https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md # # requires RouterOS, version=7.14 # # forward log messages via notification # https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/doc/log-forward.md :global GlobalFunctionsReady; :while ($GlobalFunctionsReady != true) do={ :delay 500ms; } :do { :local ScriptName [ :jobname ]; :global Identity; :global LogForwardFilter; :global LogForwardFilterMessage; :global LogForwardInclude; :global LogForwardIncludeMessage; :global LogForwardLast; :global LogForwardRateLimit; :global EitherOr; :global HexToNum; :global IfThenElse; :global LogForwardFilterLogForwarding; :global LogPrint; :global MAX; :global ScriptLock; :global SendNotification2; :global SymbolForNotification; :if ([ $ScriptLock $ScriptName ] = false) do={ :error false; } :if ([ :typeof $LogForwardRateLimit ] = "nothing") do={ :set LogForwardRateLimit 0; } :if ($LogForwardRateLimit > 30) do={ :set LogForwardRateLimit ($LogForwardRateLimit - 1); $LogPrint info $ScriptName ("Rate limit in action, not forwarding logs, if any!"); :error false; } :local Count 0; :local Duplicates false; :local Last [ $IfThenElse ([ :len $LogForwardLast ] > 0) [ $HexToNum $LogForwardLast ] -1 ]; :local Messages ""; :local Warning false; :local MessageVal; :local MessageDups ({}); :local LogForwardFilterLogForwardingCached [ $EitherOr [ $LogForwardFilterLogForwarding ] ("\$^") ]; :foreach Message in=[ /log/find where (!(message="") and \ !(message~$LogForwardFilterLogForwardingCached) and \ !(topics~$LogForwardFilter) and !(message~$LogForwardFilterMessage)) or \ topics~$LogForwardInclude or message~$LogForwardIncludeMessage ] do={ :set MessageVal [ /log/get $Message ]; :local Bullet "information"; :if ($Last < [ $HexToNum ($MessageVal->".id") ]) do={ :local DupCount ($MessageDups->($MessageVal->"message")); :if ($MessageVal->"topics" ~ "(warning)") do={ :set Warning true; :set Bullet "large-orange-circle"; } :if ($MessageVal->"topics" ~ "(emergency|alert|critical|error)") do={ :set Warning true; :set Bullet "large-red-circle"; } :if ($DupCount < 3) do={ :set Messages ($Messages . "\n" . [ $SymbolForNotification $Bullet ] . \ $MessageVal->"time" . " " . [ :tostr ($MessageVal->"topics") ] . " " . $MessageVal->"message"); } else={ :set Duplicates true; } :set ($MessageDups->($MessageVal->"message")) ($DupCount + 1); :set Count ($Count + 1); } } :if ($Count > 0) do={ :set LogForwardRateLimit ($LogForwardRateLimit + 10); $SendNotification2 ({ origin=$ScriptName; \ subject=([ $SymbolForNotification [ $IfThenElse ($Warning = true) "warning-sign" "memo" ] ] . \ "Log Forwarding"); \ message=("The log on " . $Identity . " contains " . [ $IfThenElse ($Count = 1) "this message" \ ("these " . $Count . " messages") ] . " after " . [ /system/resource/get uptime ] . " uptime." . \ [ $IfThenElse ($Duplicates = true) (" Multi-repeated messages have been skipped.") ] . \ [ $IfThenElse ($LogForwardRateLimit > 30) ("\nRate limit in action, delaying forwarding.") ] . \ "\n" . $Messages) }); :set LogForwardLast ($MessageVal->".id"); } else={ :set LogForwardRateLimit [ $MAX 0 ($LogForwardRateLimit - 1) ]; } } on-error={ }