#!rsc # RouterOS script: ipv6-update # Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de> # # update firewall and dns settings on IPv6 prefix change :local pool [ / ipv6 pool get [ find where prefix=$"pd-prefix" ] name ]; :local addrlist [ / ipv6 firewall address-list find where comment=("ipv6-pool-" . $pool) ]; :local oldprefix [ / ipv6 firewall address-list get $addrlist address ]; # give the interfaces a moment to receive their addresses :delay 2s; if ($oldprefix != $"pd-prefix") do={ :log info ("Updating IPv6 address list with new IPv6 prefix " . $"pd-prefix"); / ipv6 firewall address-list set address=$"pd-prefix" $addrlist; :foreach record in=[ / ip dns static find where comment~("ipv6-pool-" . $pool) ] do={ :local comment [ :toarray [ / ip dns static get $record comment ] ]; :local intname [ :pick [ :pick $comment 1 ] 10 99 ]; :local suffix [ :pick [ :pick $comment 2 ] 7 99 ]; :local prefix [ / ipv6 address get [ find where interface=$intname from-pool=$pool global ] address ]; :local prefix64 [ :pick $prefix 0 [ :find $prefix "::/64" ] ]; :local name [ / ip dns static get $record name ]; :if ([ :len $name ] = 0) do={ :set name [ / ip dns static get $record regex ]; } :log info ("Updating DNS record for " . $name . " to " . $prefix64 . ":" . $suffix); / ip dns static set address=($prefix64 . ":" . $suffix) $record; } }