# RouterOS script: global-config
# Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>
# global configuration

# Make sure all configuration properties are up to date and this
# value is in sync with value in script 'global-functions'!
:global GlobalConfigVersion 2;

# This is used for DNS and backup file.
:global Domain "example.com";
:global HostNameInZone true;

# These addresses are used to send e-mails to. The to-addresses need
# to be filled, cc-addresses can be empty, one address or a comma
# separated list of addresses.
:global EmailGeneralTo "mail@example.com";
:global EmailGeneralCc "another@example.com";
:global EmailBackupTo  "mail@example.com";
:global EmailBackupCc  "";

# You can send Telegram notifications. Register a bot
# and add the token and chat ids here.
:global TelegramTokenId "";
:global TelegramChatId "";
#:global TelegramTokenId "123456:ABCDEF-GHI";
#:global TelegramChatId "12345678";

# This defines what backups to generate and what password to use.
:global BackupSendBinary false;
:global BackupSendExport true;
:global BackupCloud false;
:global BackupPassword "v3ry-s3cr3t";

# Specify an address to enable auto update to version assumed safe.
# The configured channel (bugfix, current, release-candidate) is appended.
:global SafeUpdateUrl "";
#:global SafeUpdateUrl "https://example.com/ros/safe-update/";

# This controls what configuration is activated by bridge-port-to-default.
:global BridgePortTo "default";

# Access-list entries matching this comment are updated
# with daily pseudo-random PSK.
:global DailyPskMatchComment "Daily PSK";
:global DailyPskSecrets {
  { "Abusive"; "Aggressive"; "Bored"; "Chemical"; "Cold";
    "Cruel"; "Curved"; "Delightful"; "Discreet"; "Elite";
    "Evasive"; "Faded"; "Flat"; "Future"; "Grandiose";
    "Hanging"; "Humorous"; "Interesting"; "Magenta";
    "Magnificent"; "Numerous"; "Optimal"; "Pathetic";
    "Possessive"; "Remarkable"; "Rightful"; "Ruthless";
    "Stale"; "Unusual"; "Useless"; "Various" };
  { "Adhesive"; "Amusing"; "Astonishing"; "Frantic";
    "Kindhearted"; "Limping"; "Roasted"; "Robust";
    "Staking"; "Thundering"; "Ultra"; "Unusual" };
  { "Belief"; "Button"; "Curtain"; "Edge"; "Jewel";
    "String"; "Whistle" }

# Run different commands with multiple mode-button presses.
:global ModeButton {
  1="/ system script run leds-toggle-mode;";
  2=":global SendNotification; :global Identity; \$SendNotification (\"Hello...\") (\"Hello world, \" . \$Identity . \" calling!\");";
  3="/ system shutdown;";
  4="/ system reboot;";
  5="/ system script run bridge-port-toggle;";
# add more here...

# Run commands on SMS action.
:global SmsAction {
  bridge-port-toggle="/ system script run bridge-port-toggle;";
  reboot="/ system reboot;";
  shutdown="/ system shutdown;";
# add more here...

# This address should resolve ntp servers and is used to update
# ntp settings. A pool can rotate servers.
:global NtpPool "pool.ntp.org";

# This is the address used to send gps data to.
:global GpsTrackUrl "https://example.com/index.php";

# Enable this to fetch scripts from given url.
:global ScriptUpdatesFetch true;
:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "https://git.eworm.de/cgit.cgi/routeros-scripts/plain/";
#:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eworm-de/routeros-scripts/master/";
#:global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl "https://gitlab.com/eworm-de/routeros-scripts/raw/master/";
:global ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix "";
:global ScriptUpdatesIgnore {

# Use this for certificate auto-renew
:global CertRenewUrl "";
#:global CertRenewUrl "https://example.com/certificates/";
:global CertRenewPass "v3ry-s3cr3t";