#!rsc by RouterOS # RouterOS script: capsman-rolling-upgrade%TEMPL% # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Christian Hesse # Michael Gisbers # https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md # # provides: capsman-rolling-upgrade%TEMPL% # requires RouterOS, version=7.14 # # upgrade CAPs one after another # https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/doc/capsman-rolling-upgrade.md # # !! This is just a template to generate the real script! # !! Pattern '%TEMPL%' is replaced, paths are filtered. :global GlobalFunctionsReady; :while ($GlobalFunctionsReady != true) do={ :delay 500ms; } :local ExitOK false; :do { :local ScriptName [ :jobname ]; :global LogPrint; :global ScriptLock; :if ([ $ScriptLock $ScriptName ] = false) do={ :set ExitOK true; :error false; } :local InstalledVersion [ /system/package/update/get installed-version ]; :local RemoteCapCount [ :len [ /caps-man/remote-cap/find ] ]; :local RemoteCapCount [ :len [ /interface/wifi/capsman/remote-cap/find ] ]; :if ($RemoteCapCount > 0) do={ :local Delay (600 / $RemoteCapCount); :if ($Delay > 120) do={ :set Delay 120; } :foreach RemoteCap in=[ /caps-man/remote-cap/find where version!=$InstalledVersion ] do={ :foreach RemoteCap in=[ /interface/wifi/capsman/remote-cap/find where version!=$InstalledVersion ] do={ :local RemoteCapVal [ /caps-man/remote-cap/get $RemoteCap ]; :local RemoteCapVal [ /interface/wifi/capsman/remote-cap/get $RemoteCap ]; :if ([ :len $RemoteCapVal ] > 1) do={ # NOT /caps-man/ # :set ($RemoteCapVal->"name") ($RemoteCapVal->"common-name"); # NOT /caps-man/ # $LogPrint info $ScriptName ("Starting upgrade for " . $RemoteCapVal->"name" . \ " (" . $RemoteCapVal->"identity" . ")..."); /caps-man/remote-cap/upgrade $RemoteCap; /interface/wifi/capsman/remote-cap/upgrade $RemoteCap; } else={ $LogPrint warning $ScriptName ("Remote CAP vanished, skipping upgrade."); } :delay ($Delay . "s"); } } } on-error={ :global ExitError; $ExitError $ExitOK [ :jobname ]; }