diff options
authorGravatar Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>2019-02-08 13:35:16 +0100
committerGravatar Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>2019-02-08 13:43:00 +0100
commit7fc12f9e246a5fb732888f0ae189a34de54291ac (patch)
parenta47aa45253009c877d3ee551a39e2dadbe4920b5 (diff)
dhcp-to-dns: rework, fix cleanup with mac-address and more
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/dhcp-to-dns b/dhcp-to-dns
index 8edb45b..e965faf 100644
--- a/dhcp-to-dns
+++ b/dhcp-to-dns
@@ -17,60 +17,52 @@
:set Zone ("dhcp." . $Domain);
:local Ttl 5m;
-:local HostName;
-:local Fqdn;
-:local DnsIp;
-:local DhcpIp;
-:local DnsNode;
-:local DhcpNode;
+:local CommentPrefix "managed by dhcp-to-dns for ";
-:foreach Static in=[ / ip dns static find where name ~ (".*\\." . $Zone) ] do={
- :set Fqdn [ / ip dns static get $Static name ];
- :set HostName [ :pick $Fqdn 0 ([ :len $Fqdn ] - ([ :len $Zone ] + 1)) ];
- :set DhcpNode [ / ip dhcp-server lease find where host-name=$HostName dynamic=yes ];
- :if ([ :len $DhcpNode ] > 0) do={
- :log debug ("Lease for " . $HostName . " still exists. Not deleting.");
+:foreach Static in=[ / ip dns static find where comment ~ $CommentPrefix ] do={
+ :local MacAddress [ $CharacterReplace [ / ip dns static get $Static comment ] $CommentPrefix "" ];
+ :local IpAddress [ / ip dns static get $Static address ];
+ :local HostName [ / ip dns static get $Static name ];
+ :if ([ / ip dhcp-server lease print count-only where mac-address=$MacAddress address=$IpAddress dynamic=yes ] > 0) do={
+ :log debug ("Lease for " . $MacAddress . " (" . $HostName . ") still exists. Not deleting DNS entry.");
} else={
:local Found false;
- :log info ("Lease expired for " . $HostName . ", deleting DNS entry.");
+ :log info ("Lease expired for " . $MacAddress . " (" . $HostName . "), deleting DNS entry.");
/ ip dns static remove $Static;
:foreach Lease in=[ / ip dhcp-server lease find where dynamic=yes ] do={
:local Mac [ / ip dhcp-server lease get $Lease mac-address ];
- :set DhcpIp [ / ip dhcp-server lease get $Lease address ];
- :local Comment ("managed by dhcp-to-dns for " . $Mac);
- :set HostName [ $CharacterReplace [ / ip dhcp-server lease get $Lease host-name ] " " "" ];
+ :local DhcpIp [ / ip dhcp-server lease get $Lease address ];
+ :local Comment ($CommentPrefix . $Mac);
+ :local HostName [ $CharacterReplace [ / ip dhcp-server lease get $Lease host-name ] " " "" ];
:if ($HostName = "") do={
:set HostName [ $CharacterReplace [ / ip dhcp-server lease get $Lease mac-address ] ":" "-" ];
- :if ([ :len $HostName ] > 0) do={
- :set Fqdn ($HostName . "." . $Zone);
- :set DnsNode [ / ip dns static find where name=$Fqdn ];
- :if ([ :len $DnsNode ] > 0) do={
- :set DnsIp [ / ip dns static get $DnsNode address ];
- :local Leases [ / ip dhcp-server lease find where host-name=$HostName dynamic=yes ];
- :local HostNameCount [ / ip dhcp-server lease print count-only where host-name=$HostName dynamic=yes ];
- :if ($HostNameCount > 1) do={
- :foreach J,Lease in=$Leases do={
- :if ($J + 1 = $HostNameCount) do={
- :set DhcpIp [ / ip dhcp-server lease get $Lease address ];
- }
+ :local Fqdn ($HostName . "." . $Zone);
+ :local DnsNode [ / ip dns static find where name=$Fqdn ];
+ :if ([ :len $DnsNode ] > 0) do={
+ :local DnsIp [ / ip dns static get $DnsNode address ];
+ :local Leases [ / ip dhcp-server lease find where host-name=$HostName dynamic=yes ];
+ :local HostNameCount [ / ip dhcp-server lease print count-only where host-name=$HostName dynamic=yes ];
+ :if ($HostNameCount > 1) do={
+ :foreach J,Lease in=$Leases do={
+ :if ($J + 1 = $HostNameCount) do={
+ :set DhcpIp [ / ip dhcp-server lease get $Lease address ];
+ }
- :if ($DnsIp = $DhcpIp) do={
- :log debug ("DNS entry for " . $Fqdn . " does not need updating.");
- } else={
- :log info ("Replacing DNS entry for " . $Fqdn . ", new address is " . $DhcpIp . ".");
- / ip dns static set name=$Fqdn address=$DhcpIp ttl=$Ttl comment=$Comment $DnsNode;
- }
+ :if ($DnsIp = $DhcpIp) do={
+ :log debug ("DNS entry for " . $Fqdn . " does not need updating.");
} else={
- :log info ("Adding new DNS entry for " . $Fqdn . ", address is " . $DhcpIp . ".");
- / ip dns static add name=$Fqdn address=$DhcpIp ttl=$Ttl comment=$Comment;
+ :log info ("Replacing DNS entry for " . $Fqdn . ", new address is " . $DhcpIp . ".");
+ / ip dns static set name=$Fqdn address=$DhcpIp ttl=$Ttl comment=$Comment $DnsNode;
+ } else={
+ :log info ("Adding new DNS entry for " . $Fqdn . ", address is " . $DhcpIp . ".");
+ / ip dns static add name=$Fqdn address=$DhcpIp ttl=$Ttl comment=$Comment;