blob: 2f2b7b17659ef1169eb41a45ab3b058efa03431f (
plain) (
Initial commands
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These command are inteneded for initial setup. If you are not aware of the
procedure please follow [the long way in detail](
/ tool fetch "" dst-path="letsencrypt.pem";
:delay 1s;
/ certificate {
import file-name=letsencrypt.pem passphrase="";
set name="ISRG-Root-X1" [ find where fingerprint="96bcec06264976f37460779acf28c5a7cfe8a3c0aae11a8ffcee05c0bddf08c6" ];
set name="Let-s-Encrypt-Authority-X3" [ find where fingerprint="731d3d9cfaa061487a1d71445a42f67df0afca2a6c2d2f98ff7b3ce112b1f568" ];
set name="DST-Root-CA-X3" [ find where fingerprint="0687260331a72403d909f105e69bcf0d32e1bd2493ffc6d9206d11bcd6770739" ];
:if ([ / certificate print count-only where fingerprint="96bcec06264976f37460779acf28c5a7cfe8a3c0aae11a8ffcee05c0bddf08c6" or fingerprint="731d3d9cfaa061487a1d71445a42f67df0afca2a6c2d2f98ff7b3ce112b1f568" or fingerprint="0687260331a72403d909f105e69bcf0d32e1bd2493ffc6d9206d11bcd6770739" ] != 3) do={
:error "Something is wrong with your certificates!";
/ file remove "letsencrypt.pem";
:foreach Script in={ "global-config"; "global-config-overlay"; "global-functions" } do={
/ system script add name=$Script source=([ / tool fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl ("" . $Script) output=user as-value]->"data");
/ system script { run global-config; run global-config-overlay; run global-functions; }
/ system scheduler add name="global-scripts" start-time=startup on-event="/ system script { run global-config; run global-config-overlay; run global-functions; }"
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