#!rsc by RouterOS # RouterOS script: global-functions # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de> # Michael Gisbers <michael@gisbers.de> # https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md # # requires RouterOS, version=7.7 # # WARNING: If you find this stripped version of global-functions # on your Router something went wrong and migration failed. To # recover run this function: $RouterOSScriptsRecover # expected configuration version :global ExpectedConfigVersion 95; # global functions :global RouterOSScriptsRecover; :global ScriptInstallUpdate; # recover from failed migration :set RouterOSScriptsRecover do={ :global ScriptInstallUpdate; :foreach Script in={ "global-config"; "global-functions" } do={ /system/script/set name=$Script source=([ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl ("https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/plain/" . $Script . ".rsc") output=user as-value]->"data"); /system/script/run $Script; } $ScriptInstallUpdate; } # install new scripts, update existing scripts :set ScriptInstallUpdate do={ :local Scripts [ :toarray $1 ]; :local NewComment [ :tostr $2 ]; :global ExpectedConfigVersion; :global Identity; :global IDonate; :global NoNewsAndChangesNotification; :global NotificationsWithSymbols; :global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl; :global ScriptUpdatesFetch; :global ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix; :global CertificateAvailable; :global EitherOr; :global Grep; :global IfThenElse; :global LogPrintExit2; :global ParseKeyValueStore; :global RequiredRouterOS; :global SendNotification2; :global SymbolForNotification; :global ValidateSyntax; :if ([ $CertificateAvailable "E1" ] = false) do={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Downloading certificate failed, trying without.") false; } :foreach Script in=$Scripts do={ :if ([ :len [ /system/script/find where name=$Script ] ] = 0) do={ $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Adding new script: " . $Script) false; /system/script/add name=$Script owner=$Script source="#!rsc by RouterOS\n" comment=$NewComment; } } :local ExpectedConfigVersionBefore $ExpectedConfigVersion; :local ReloadGlobalFunctions false; :local ReloadGlobalConfig false; :foreach Script in=[ /system/script/find where source~"^#!rsc by RouterOS\n" ] do={ :local ScriptVal [ /system/script/get $Script ]; :local ScriptFile [ /file/find where name=("script-updates/" . $ScriptVal->"name") ]; :local SourceNew; :if ([ :len $ScriptFile ] > 0) do={ :set SourceNew [ /file/get $ScriptFile contents ]; /file/remove $ScriptFile; } :foreach Scheduler in=[ /system/scheduler/find where on-event~("\\b" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "\\b") ] do={ :local SchedulerVal [ /system/scheduler/get $Scheduler ]; :if ($ScriptVal->"policy" != $SchedulerVal->"policy") do={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Policies differ for script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . \ "' and its scheduler '" . $SchedulerVal->"name" . "'!") false; } } :if ([ :len $SourceNew ] = 0 && $ScriptUpdatesFetch = true) do={ :local Comment [ $ParseKeyValueStore ($ScriptVal->"comment") ]; :if (!($Comment->"ignore" = true)) do={ :do { :local BaseUrl $ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl; :local UrlSuffix $ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix; :if ([ :typeof ($Comment->"base-url") ] = "str") do={ :set BaseUrl ($Comment->"base-url"); } :if ([ :typeof ($Comment->"url-suffix") ] = "str") do={ :set UrlSuffix ($Comment->"url-suffix"); } :local Url ($BaseUrl . $ScriptVal->"name" . ".rsc" . $UrlSuffix); $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Fetching script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "' from url: " . $Url) false; :local Result [ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl $Url output=user as-value ]; :if ($Result->"status" = "finished") do={ :set SourceNew ($Result->"data"); } } on-error={ :if ($ScriptVal->"source" = "#!rsc by RouterOS\n") do={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Failed fetching script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . \ "', removing dummy. Typo on installation?") false; /system/script/remove $Script; } else={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Failed fetching script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "'!") false; } } } } :if ([ :len $SourceNew ] > 0) do={ :if ($SourceNew != $ScriptVal->"source") do={ :if ([ :pick $SourceNew 0 18 ] = "#!rsc by RouterOS\n") do={ :local Required ([ $ParseKeyValueStore [ $Grep $SourceNew "# requires RouterOS, " ] ]->"version"); :if ([ $RequiredRouterOS $0 [ $EitherOr $Required "0.0" ] false ] = true) do={ :if ([ $ValidateSyntax $SourceNew ] = true) do={ $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Updating script: " . $ScriptVal->"name") false; /system/script/set owner=($ScriptVal->"name") source=$SourceNew $Script; :if ($ScriptVal->"name" = "global-config") do={ :set ReloadGlobalConfig true; } :if ($ScriptVal->"name" = "global-functions" || $ScriptVal->"name" ~ ("^mod/.")) do={ :set ReloadGlobalFunctions true; } } else={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Syntax validation for script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . \ "' failed! Ignoring!") false; } } else={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "' requires RouterOS " . \ $Required . ", which is not met by your installation. Ignoring!") false; } } else={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Looks like new script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . \ "' is not valid (missing shebang). Ignoring!") false; } } else={ $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "' did not change.") false; } } else={ $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("No update for script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "'.") false; } } :if ($ReloadGlobalFunctions = true) do={ $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Reloading global functions.") false; :do { /system/script/run global-functions; } on-error={ $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("Reloading global functions failed!") false; } } :if ($ReloadGlobalConfig = true) do={ $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Reloading global configuration.") false; :do { /system/script/run global-config; } on-error={ $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("Reloading global configuration failed!" . \ " Syntax error or missing overlay?") false; } } :if ($ExpectedConfigVersionBefore > $ExpectedConfigVersion) do={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The configuration version decreased from " . \ $ExpectedConfigVersionBefore . " to " . $ExpectedConfigVersion . \ ". Installed an older version?") false; } :if ($ExpectedConfigVersionBefore < $ExpectedConfigVersion) do={ :global GlobalConfigChanges; :global GlobalConfigMigration; :local ChangeLogCode; :do { :local Url ($ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl . "news-and-changes.rsc" . $ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix); $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Fetching news, changes and migration: " . $Url) false; :local Result [ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl $Url output=user as-value ]; :if ($Result->"status" = "finished") do={ :set ChangeLogCode ($Result->"data"); } } on-error={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Failed fetching news, changes and migration!") false; } :if ([ :len $ChangeLogCode ] > 0) do={ :if ([ $ValidateSyntax $ChangeLogCode ] = true) do={ :do { [ :parse $ChangeLogCode ]; } on-error={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The changelog failed to run!") false; } } else={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The changelog failed syntax validation!") false; } } :if ([ :len $GlobalConfigMigration ] > 0) do={ :for I from=($ExpectedConfigVersionBefore + 1) to=$ExpectedConfigVersion do={ :local Migration ($GlobalConfigMigration->[ :tostr $I ]); :if ([ :typeof $Migration ] = "str") do={ :if ([ $ValidateSyntax $Migration ] = true) do={ $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Applying migration for change " . $I . ": " . $Migration) false; :do { [ :parse $Migration ]; } on-error={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Migration code for change " . $I . " failed to run!") false; } } else={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Migration code for change " . $I . " failed syntax validation!") false; } } } } :local NotificationMessage ("The configuration version on " . $Identity . " increased " . \ "to " . $ExpectedConfigVersion . ", current configuration may need modification. " . \ "Please review and update global-config-overlay, then re-run global-config."); $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ($NotificationMessage) false; :if ([ :len $GlobalConfigChanges ] > 0) do={ :set NotificationMessage ($NotificationMessage . "\n\nChanges:"); :for I from=($ExpectedConfigVersionBefore + 1) to=$ExpectedConfigVersion do={ :local Change ($GlobalConfigChanges->[ :tostr $I ]); :set NotificationMessage ($NotificationMessage . "\n " . \ [ $IfThenElse ($NotificationsWithSymbols = true) ("\E2\97\8F") "*" ] . " " . $Change); $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Change " . $I . ": " . $Change) false; } } else={ :set NotificationMessage ($NotificationMessage . "\n\nNews and changes are not available."); } :if ($NoNewsAndChangesNotification != true) do={ :local Link; :if ($IDonate != true) do={ :set NotificationMessage ($NotificationMessage . \ "\n\n==== donation hint ====\n" . \ "This project is developed in private spare time and usage is " . \ "free of charge for you. If you like the scripts and think this is " . \ "of value for you or your business please consider a donation."); :set Link "https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/#donate"; } $SendNotification2 ({ origin=$0; \ subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "pushpin" ] . "News and configuration changes"); \ message=$NotificationMessage; link=$Link }); } :set GlobalConfigChanges; :set GlobalConfigMigration; } }