#!rsc by RouterOS
# RouterOS script: global-functions
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>
#                         Michael Gisbers <michael@gisbers.de>
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md
# global functions
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/

:local 0 "global-functions";

# expected configuration version
:global ExpectedConfigVersion 87;

# global variables not to be changed by user
:global GlobalFunctionsReady false;
:global Identity [ /system/identity/get name ];

# global functions
:global CertificateAvailable;
:global CertificateDownload;
:global CertificateNameByCN;
:global CharacterReplace;
:global CleanFilePath;
:global DeviceInfo;
:global DownloadPackage;
:global EitherOr;
:global EscapeForRegEx;
:global GetMacVendor;
:global GetRandom20CharAlNum;
:global GetRandom20CharHex;
:global GetRandomNumber;
:global HexToNum;
:global IfThenElse;
:global IsDefaultRouteReachable;
:global IsDNSResolving;
:global IsFullyConnected;
:global IsMacLocallyAdministered;
:global IsTimeSync;
:global LogPrintExit2;
:global MkDir;
:global NotificationFunctions;
:global ParseKeyValueStore;
:global PrettyPrint;
:global RandomDelay;
:global Read;
:global RequiredRouterOS;
:global ScriptFromTerminal;
:global ScriptInstallUpdate;
:global ScriptLock;
:global SendNotification;
:global SendNotification2;
:global SymbolByUnicodeName;
:global SymbolForNotification;
:global UrlEncode;
:global ValidateSyntax;
:global VersionToNum;
:global WaitDefaultRouteReachable;
:global WaitDNSResolving;
:global WaitForFile;
:global WaitFullyConnected;
:global WaitTimeSync;

# check and download required certificate
:set CertificateAvailable do={
  :local CommonName [ :tostr $1 ];

  :global CertificateDownload;
  :global LogPrintExit2;
  :global ParseKeyValueStore;

  :if ([ /system/resource/get free-hdd-space ] < 8388608 && \
       [ /certificate/settings/get crl-download ] = true && \
       [ /certificate/settings/get crl-store ] = "system") do={
    $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("This system has low free flash space but " . \
      "is configured to download certificate CRLs to system!") false;

  :if ([ :len [ /certificate/find where common-name=$CommonName ] ] = 0) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Certificate with CommonName \"" . $CommonName . "\" not available.") false;
    :if ([ $CertificateDownload $CommonName ] = false) do={
      :return false;

  :local CertVal [ /certificate/get [ find where common-name=$CommonName ] ];
  :while (($CertVal->"akid") != "" && ($CertVal->"akid") != ($CertVal->"skid")) do={
    :if ([ :len [ /certificate/find where skid=($CertVal->"akid") ] ] = 0) do={
      $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Certificate chain for \"" . $CommonName . \
        "\" is incomplete, missing \"" . ([ $ParseKeyValueStore ($CertVal->"issuer") ]->"CN") . "\".") false;
      :if ([ $CertificateDownload $CommonName ] = false) do={
        :return false;
    :set CertVal [ /certificate/get [ find where skid=($CertVal->"akid") ] ];
  :return true;

# download and import certificate
:set CertificateDownload do={
  :local CommonName [ :tostr $1 ];

  :global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl;
  :global ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix;

  :global CertificateNameByCN;
  :global LogPrintExit2;
  :global UrlEncode;
  :global WaitForFile;

  $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Downloading and importing certificate with " . \
      "CommonName \"" . $CommonName . "\".") false;
  :do {
    :local LocalFileName ($CommonName . ".pem");
    :local UrlFileName ([ $UrlEncode $CommonName ] . ".pem");
    /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl \
      ($ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl . "certs/" . \
      $UrlFileName . $ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix) \
      dst-path=$LocalFileName as-value;
    $WaitForFile $LocalFileName;
    /certificate/import file-name=$LocalFileName passphrase="" as-value;
    /file/remove $LocalFileName;

    :foreach Cert in=[ /certificate/find where name~("^" . $LocalFileName . "_[0-9]+\$") ] do={
      $CertificateNameByCN [ /certificate/get $Cert common-name ];
  } on-error={
    $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Failed importing certificate with " . \
        "CommonName \"" . $CommonName . "\"!") false;
    :return false;
  :return true;

# name a certificate by its common-name
:set CertificateNameByCN do={
  :local CommonName [ :tostr $1 ];

  :global CharacterReplace;

  :local Cert [ /certificate/find where common-name=$CommonName ];
  /certificate/set $Cert \
    name=[ $CharacterReplace [ $CharacterReplace [ $CharacterReplace $CommonName "'" "-" ] " " "-" ] "---" "-" ];

# character replace
:set CharacterReplace do={
  :local String [ :tostr $1 ];
  :local ReplaceFrom [ :tostr $2 ];
  :local ReplaceWith [ :tostr $3 ];
  :local Return "";

  :if ($ReplaceFrom = "") do={
    :return $String;

  :while ([ :typeof [ :find $String $ReplaceFrom ] ] != "nil") do={
    :local Pos [ :find $String $ReplaceFrom ];
    :set Return ($Return . [ :pick $String 0 $Pos ] . $ReplaceWith);
    :set String [ :pick $String ($Pos + [ :len $ReplaceFrom ]) [ :len $String ] ];

  :return ($Return . $String);

# clean file path
:set CleanFilePath do={
  :local Path [ :tostr $1 ];

  :global CharacterReplace;

  :while ($Path ~ "//") do={
    :set $Path [ $CharacterReplace $Path "//" "/" ];
  :if ([ :pick $Path 0 ] = "/") do={
    :set Path [ :pick $Path 1 [ :len $Path ] ];
  :if ([ :pick $Path ([ :len $Path ] - 1) ] = "/") do={
    :set Path [ :pick $Path 0 ([ :len $Path ] - 1) ];

  :return $Path;

# get readable device info
:set DeviceInfo do={
  :global ExpectedConfigVersion;
  :global Identity;

  :global IfThenElse;

  :local Resource [ /system/resource/get ];
  :local RouterBoard;
  :do {
    :set RouterBoard [[ :parse "/system/routerboard/get" ]];
  } on-error={ }
  :local License [ /system/license/get ];
  :local Update [ /system/package/update/get ];

  :return ( \
         "Hostname:       " . $Identity . \
       "\nBoard name:     " . $Resource->"board-name" . \
       "\nArchitecture:   " . $Resource->"architecture-name" . \
    [ $IfThenElse ($RouterBoard->"routerboard" = true) \
      ("\nModel:          " . $RouterBoard->"model" . \
         [ $IfThenElse ([ :len ($RouterBoard->"revision") ] > 0) \
           (" " . $RouterBoard->"revision") ] . \
       "\nSerial number:  " . $RouterBoard->"serial-number") ] . \
    [ $IfThenElse ([ :len ($License->"level") ] > 0) \
      ("\nLicense:        " . $License->"level") ] . \
       "\nRouterOS:" . \
       "\n    Channel:    " . $Update->"channel" . \
       "\n    Installed:  " . $Update->"installed-version" . \
    [ $IfThenElse ([ :typeof ($Update->"latest-version") ] != "nothing" && \
        $Update->"installed-version" != $Update->"latest-version") \
      ("\n    Available:  " . $Update->"latest-version") ] . \
    [ $IfThenElse ($RouterBoard->"routerboard" = true && \
        $RouterBoard->"current-firmware" != $RouterBoard->"upgrade-firmware") \
      ("\n    Firmware:   " . $RouterBoard->"current-firmware") ] . \
       "\nRouterOS-Scripts:" . \
       "\n    Version:    " . $ExpectedConfigVersion);

# download package from upgrade server
:set DownloadPackage do={
  :local PkgName [ :tostr $1 ];
  :local PkgVer  [ :tostr $2 ];
  :local PkgArch [ :tostr $3 ];
  :local PkgDir  [ :tostr $4 ];

  :global CertificateAvailable;
  :global CleanFilePath;
  :global LogPrintExit2;
  :global MkDir;
  :global WaitForFile;

  :if ([ :len $PkgName ] = 0) do={ :return false; }
  :if ([ :len $PkgVer  ] = 0) do={ :set PkgVer  [ /system/package/update/get installed-version ]; }
  :if ([ :len $PkgArch ] = 0) do={ :set PkgArch [ /system/resource/get architecture-name ]; }

  :if ($PkgName = "system") do={ :set PkgName "routeros"; }

  :local PkgFile ($PkgName . "-" . $PkgVer . "-" . $PkgArch . ".npk");
  :if ($PkgArch = "x86_64") do={ :set PkgFile ($PkgName . "-" . $PkgVer . ".npk"); }
  :local PkgDest [ $CleanFilePath ($PkgDir . "/" . $PkgFile) ];

  :if ([ $MkDir $PkgDir ] = false) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Failed creating directory, not downloading package.") false;
    :return false;

  :if ([ :len [ /file/find where name=$PkgDest type="package" ] ] > 0) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Package file " . $PkgName . " already exists.") false;
    :return true;

  :if ([ $CertificateAvailable "R3" ] = false) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("Downloading required certificate failed.") true;

  :local Url ("https://upgrade.mikrotik.com/routeros/" . $PkgVer . "/" . $PkgFile);
  $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Downloading package file '" . $PkgName . "'...") false;
  $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("... from url: " . $Url) false;
  :local Retry 3;
  :while ($Retry > 0) do={
    :do {
      /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl $Url dst-path=$PkgDest;
      $WaitForFile $PkgDest;

      :if ([ /file/get [ find where name=$PkgDest ] type ] = "package") do={
        :return true;
    } on-error={
      $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Downloading package file failed.") false;

    /file/remove [ find where name=$PkgDest ];
    :set Retry ($Retry - 1);

  $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Downloading package file '" . $PkgName . "' failed.") false;
  :return false;

# return either first (if "true") or second
:set EitherOr do={
  :global IfThenElse;

  :if ([ :typeof $1 ] = "num") do={
    :return [ $IfThenElse ($1 != 0) $1 $2 ];
  :return [ $IfThenElse ([ :len [ :tostr $1 ] ] > 0) $1 $2 ];

# escape for regular expression
:set EscapeForRegEx do={
  :local Input [ :tostr $1 ];

  :if ([ :len $Input ] = 0) do={
    :return "";

  :local Return "";
  :local Chars ("^.[]\$()|*+\?{}\\");

  :for I from=0 to=([ :len $Input ] - 1) do={
    :local Char [ :pick $Input $I ];
    :if ([ :find $Chars $Char ]) do={
      :set Char ("\\" . $Char);
    :set Return ($Return . $Char);

  :return $Return;

# get MAC vendor
:set GetMacVendor do={
  :local Mac [ :tostr $1 ];

  :global CertificateAvailable;
  :global IsMacLocallyAdministered;
  :global LogPrintExit2;

  :if ([ $IsMacLocallyAdministered $Mac ] = true) do={
    :return "locally administered";

  :do {
    :if ([ $CertificateAvailable "R3" ] = false) do={
      $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Downloading required certificate failed.") true;
    :local Vendor ([ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl \
        ("https://api.macvendors.com/" . [ :pick $Mac 0 8 ]) output=user as-value ]->"data");
    :return $Vendor;
  } on-error={
    :do {
      /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl ("https://api.macvendors.com/") \
        output=none as-value;
      $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("The mac vendor is not known in database.") false;
    } on-error={
      $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Failed getting mac vendor.") false;
    :return "unknown vendor";

# generate random 20 chars alphabetical (A-Z & a-z) and numerical (0-9)
:set GetRandom20CharAlNum do={
  :global EitherOr;

  :return [ :rndstr length=[ $EitherOr [ :tonum $1 ] 20 ] from="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" ];

# generate random 20 chars hex (0-9 and a-f)
:set GetRandom20CharHex do={
  :global EitherOr;

  :return [ :rndstr length=[ $EitherOr [ :tonum $1 ] 20 ] from="0123456789abcdef" ];

# generate random number
:set GetRandomNumber do={
  :global EitherOr;

  :return [ :rndnum from=0 to=[ $EitherOr [ :tonum $1 ] 4294967295 ] ];

# convert from hex (string) to num
:set HexToNum do={
  :local Input [ :tostr $1 ];
  :local Hex "0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF";
  :local Multi 1;
  :local Return 0;

  :for I from=([ :len $Input ] - 1) to=0 do={
    :set Return ($Return + (([ :find $Hex [ :pick $Input $I ] ] % 16) * $Multi));
    :set Multi ($Multi * 16);

  :return $Return;

# mimic conditional/ternary operator (condition ? consequent : alternative)
:set IfThenElse do={
  :if ([ :tostr $1 ] = "true" || [ :tobool $1 ] = true) do={
    :return $2;
  :return $3;

# check if default route is reachable
:set IsDefaultRouteReachable do={
  :if ([ :len [ /ip/route/find where dst-address= active routing-table=main ] ] > 0) do={
    :return true;
  :return false;

# check if DNS is resolving
:set IsDNSResolving do={
  :global CharacterReplace;

  :do {
    :resolve "low-ttl.eworm.de";
  } on-error={
    :return false;
  :return true;

# check if system is is fully connected (default route reachable, DNS resolving, time sync)
:set IsFullyConnected do={
  :global IsDefaultRouteReachable;
  :global IsDNSResolving;
  :global IsTimeSync;

  :if ([ $IsDefaultRouteReachable ] = false) do={
    :return false;
  :if ([ $IsDNSResolving ] = false) do={
    :return false;
  :if ([ $IsTimeSync ] = false) do={
    :return false;
  :return true;

# check if mac address is locally administered
:set IsMacLocallyAdministered do={
  :if ([ :tonum ("0x" . [ :pick $1 0 [ :find $1 ":" ] ]) ] & 2 = 2) do={
    :return true;
  :return false;

# check if system time is sync
:set IsTimeSync do={
  :global IsTimeSyncCached;

  :global LogPrintExit2;

  :if ($IsTimeSyncCached = true) do={
    :return true;

  :if ([ /system/ntp/client/get enabled ] = true) do={
    :if ([ /system/ntp/client/get status ] = "synchronized") do={
      :set IsTimeSyncCached true;
      :return true;
    :return false;

  :if ([ /system/license/get ]->"level" = "free" || \
       [ /system/resource/get ]->"board-name" = "x86") do={
    $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("No ntp client configured, relying on RTC for CHR free license and x86.") false;
    :return true;

  :if ([ /ip/cloud/get update-time ] = true) do={
    :if ([ :typeof [ /ip/cloud/get public-address ] ] = "ip") do={
      :set IsTimeSyncCached true;
      :return true;
    :return false;

  $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("No time source configured! Returning gracefully...") false;
  :return true;

# log and print with same text, optionally exit
:set LogPrintExit2 do={
  :local Severity [ :tostr $1 ];
  :local Name     [ :tostr $2 ];
  :local Message  [ :tostr $3 ];
  :local Exit     [ :tostr $4 ];

  :global PrintDebug;
  :global PrintDebugOverride;

  :global EitherOr;

  :local Debug [ $EitherOr ($PrintDebugOverride->$Name) $PrintDebug ];

  :local PrintSeverity do={
    :global TerminalColorOutput;

    :if ($TerminalColorOutput != true) do={
      :return $1;

    :local Color { debug=96; info=97; warning=93; error=91 };
    :return ("\1B[" . $Color->$1 . "m" . $1 . "\1B[0m");

  :local Log ([ $EitherOr $Name "<unknown>" ] . ": " . $Message);
  :if ($Severity ~ ("^(debug|error|info)\$")) do={
    :if ($Severity = "debug") do={ :log debug $Log; }
    :if ($Severity = "error") do={ :log error $Log; }
    :if ($Severity = "info" ) do={ :log info  $Log; }
  } else={
    :log warning $Log;
    :set Severity "warning";

  :if ($Severity != "debug" || $Debug = true) do={
    :if ($Exit = "true") do={
      :error ([ $PrintSeverity $Severity ] . ": " . $Message);
    } else={
      :put ([ $PrintSeverity $Severity ] . ": " . $Message);

# create directory
:set MkDir do={
  :local Path [ :tostr $1 ];

  :global CharacterReplace;
  :global CleanFilePath;
  :global GetRandom20CharAlNum;
  :global LogPrintExit2;
  :global RequiredRouterOS;
  :global WaitForFile;

  :set Path [ $CleanFilePath $Path ];

  :if ($Path = "") do={
    :return true;

  :if ([ :len [ /file/find where name=$Path type="directory" ] ] = 1) do={
    :return true;

  :local Error false;
  :local PathNext "";
  :foreach Dir in=[ :toarray [ $CharacterReplace $Path "/" "," ] ] do={
    :local Continue false;
    :set PathNext [ $CleanFilePath ($PathNext . "/" . $Dir) ];

    :if ([ :len [ /file/find where name=$PathNext type="directory" ] ] = 1) do={
      :set Continue true;

    :if ($Continue = false && $PathNext = "tmpfs" && [ $RequiredRouterOS $0 "7.7rc1" false ] = true) do={
      :if ([ :len [ /disk/find where slot=tmpfs type=tmpfs ] ] = 0) do={
        $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Creating disk of type tmpfs.") false;
        /file/remove [ find where name="tmpfs" type="directory" ];
        [ :parse "/disk/add slot=tmpfs type=tmpfs;" ];
      :set Continue true;

    :if ($Continue = false && [ :len [ /file/find where name=$PathNext ] ] = 1) do={
      $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The path '" . $PathNext . "' exists, but is not a directory.") false;
      :return false;

    :if ($Continue = false) do={
      :local Name ($PathNext . "-" . [ $GetRandom20CharAlNum 6 ]);
      :do {
        /ip/smb/share/add disabled=yes directory=$PathNext name=$Name;
        $WaitForFile $PathNext;
      } on-error={
        $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Making directory '" . $PathNext . "' failed!") false;
        :set Error true;
      /ip/smb/share/remove [ find where name=$Name ];
      :if ($Error = true) do={
        :return false;
  :return true;

# prepare NotificationFunctions array
:if ([ :typeof $NotificationFunctions ] != "array") do={
  :set NotificationFunctions ({});

# parse key value store
:set ParseKeyValueStore do={
  :local Source $1;
  :if ([ :typeof $Source ] != "array") do={
    :set Source [ :tostr $1 ];
  :local Result ({});
  :foreach KeyValue in=[ :toarray $Source ] do={
    :if ([ :find $KeyValue "=" ]) do={
      :set ($Result->[ :pick $KeyValue 0 [ :find $KeyValue "=" ] ]) \
        [ :pick $KeyValue ([ :find $KeyValue "=" ] + 1) [ :len $KeyValue ] ];
    } else={
      :set ($Result->$KeyValue) true;
  :return $Result;

# print lines with trailing carriage return
:set PrettyPrint do={
  :local Input [ :tostr $1 ];

  :global CharacterReplace;

  :put [ $CharacterReplace $Input ("\n") ("\n\r") ];

# delay a random amount of seconds
:set RandomDelay do={
  :global EitherOr;
  :global GetRandomNumber;

  :delay ([ $GetRandomNumber $1 ] . [ $EitherOr $2 "s" ]);

# read input from user
:set Read do={

# check for required RouterOS version
:set RequiredRouterOS do={
  :local Caller   [ :tostr $1 ];
  :local Required [ :tostr $2 ];
  :local Warn     [ :tostr $3 ];

  :global IfThenElse;
  :global LogPrintExit2;
  :global VersionToNum;
  :if ([ $VersionToNum $Required ] > [ $VersionToNum [ /system/package/update/get installed-version ] ]) do={
    :if ($Warn = "true") do={
      $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("This " . [ $IfThenElse ([ :pick $Caller 0 ] = ("\$")) "function" "script" ] . \
        " '" . $Caller . "' (at least specific functionality) requires RouterOS " . $Required . ". Please update!") false;
    :return false;
  :return true;

# check if script is run from terminal
:set ScriptFromTerminal do={
  :local Script [ :tostr $1 ];

  :global LogPrintExit2;

  :foreach Job in=[ /system/script/job/find where script=$Script ] do={
    :set Job [ /system/script/job/get $Job ];
    :while ([ :typeof ($Job->"parent") ] = "id") do={
      :set Job [ /system/script/job/get [ find where .id=($Job->"parent") ] ];
    :if (($Job->"type") = "login") do={
      $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Script " . $Script . " started from terminal.") false;
      :return true;
  $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Script " . $Script . " NOT started from terminal.") false;

  :return false;

# install new scripts, update existing scripts
:set ScriptInstallUpdate do={
  :local Scripts    [ :toarray $1 ];
  :local NewComment [ :tostr   $2 ];

  :global ExpectedConfigVersion;
  :global Identity;
  :global IDonate;
  :global NoNewsAndChangesNotification;
  :global NotificationsWithSymbols;
  :global ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl;
  :global ScriptUpdatesFetch;
  :global ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix;

  :global CertificateAvailable;
  :global IfThenElse;
  :global LogPrintExit2;
  :global ParseKeyValueStore;
  :global SendNotification2;
  :global SymbolForNotification;
  :global ValidateSyntax;

  :if ([ $CertificateAvailable "R3" ] = false) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Downloading certificate failed, trying without.") false;

  :if ([ $CertificateAvailable "E1" ] = false) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Downloading certificate failed, trying without.") false;

  :foreach Script in=$Scripts do={
    :if ([ :len [ /system/script/find where name=$Script ] ] = 0) do={
      $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Adding new script: " . $Script) false;
      /system/script/add name=$Script owner=$Script source="#!rsc by RouterOS\n" comment=$NewComment;

  :local ExpectedConfigVersionBefore $ExpectedConfigVersion;
  :local ReloadGlobalFunctions false;
  :local ReloadGlobalConfig false;

  :foreach Script in=[ /system/script/find where source~"^#!rsc by RouterOS\n" ] do={
    :local ScriptVal [ /system/script/get $Script ];
    :local ScriptFile [ /file/find where name=("script-updates/" . $ScriptVal->"name") ];
    :local SourceNew;
    :if ([ :len $ScriptFile ] > 0) do={
      :set SourceNew [ /file/get $ScriptFile content ];
      /file/remove $ScriptFile;

    :foreach Scheduler in=[ /system/scheduler/find where on-event~("\\b" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "\\b") ] do={
      :local SchedulerVal [ /system/scheduler/get $Scheduler ];
      :if ($ScriptVal->"policy" != $SchedulerVal->"policy") do={
        $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Policies differ for script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . \
          "' and its scheduler '" . $SchedulerVal->"name" . "'!") false;

    :if ([ :len $SourceNew ] = 0 && $ScriptUpdatesFetch = true) do={
      :local Comment [ $ParseKeyValueStore ($ScriptVal->"comment") ];
      :if (!($Comment->"ignore" = true)) do={
        :do {
          :local BaseUrl $ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl;
          :local UrlSuffix $ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix;
          :if ([ :typeof ($Comment->"base-url") ] = "str") do={ :set BaseUrl ($Comment->"base-url"); }
          :if ([ :typeof ($Comment->"url-suffix") ] = "str") do={ :set UrlSuffix ($Comment->"url-suffix"); }
          :local Url ($BaseUrl . $ScriptVal->"name" . $UrlSuffix);

          $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Fetching script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "' from url: " . $Url) false;
          :local Result [ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl $Url output=user as-value ];
          :if ($Result->"status" = "finished") do={
            :set SourceNew ($Result->"data");
        } on-error={
          :if ($ScriptVal->"source" = "#!rsc by RouterOS\n") do={
            $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Failed fetching script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . \
              "', removing dummy. Typo on installation?") false;
            /system/script/remove $Script;
          } else={
            $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Failed fetching script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "'!") false;

    :if ([ :len $SourceNew ] > 0) do={
      :if ($SourceNew != $ScriptVal->"source") do={
        :if ([ :pick $SourceNew 0 18 ] = "#!rsc by RouterOS\n") do={
          :if ([ $ValidateSyntax $SourceNew ] = true) do={
            $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Updating script: " . $ScriptVal->"name") false;
            /system/script/set owner=($ScriptVal->"name") source=$SourceNew $Script;
            :if ($ScriptVal->"name" = "global-config") do={
              :set ReloadGlobalConfig true;
            :if ($ScriptVal->"name" = "global-functions" || $ScriptVal->"name" ~ ("^mod/.")) do={
              :set ReloadGlobalFunctions true;
          } else={
            $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Syntax validation for script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . \
              "' failed! Ignoring!") false;
        } else={
          $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Looks like new script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . \
            "' is not valid (missing shebang). Ignoring!") false;
      } else={
        $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Script '" .  $ScriptVal->"name" . "' did not change.") false;
    } else={
      $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("No update for script '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "'.") false;

  :if ($ReloadGlobalFunctions = true) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Reloading global functions.") false;
    :do {
      /system/script/run global-functions;
    } on-error={
      $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("Reloading global functions failed!") false;

  :if ($ReloadGlobalConfig = true) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Reloading global configuration.") false;
    :do {
      /system/script/run global-config;
    } on-error={
      $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("Reloading global configuration failed!" . \
        " Syntax error or missing overlay\?") false;

  :if ($ExpectedConfigVersionBefore != $ExpectedConfigVersion) do={
    :global GlobalConfigChanges;
    :global GlobalConfigMigration;
    :local ChangeLogCode;

    :do {
      :local Url ($ScriptUpdatesBaseUrl . "global-config.changes" . $ScriptUpdatesUrlSuffix);
      $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Fetching news, changes and migration: " . $Url) false;
      :local Result [ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl $Url output=user as-value ];
      :if ($Result->"status" = "finished") do={
        :set ChangeLogCode ($Result->"data");
    } on-error={
      $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Failed fetching news, changes and migration!") false;

    :if ([ :len $ChangeLogCode ] > 0) do={
      :if ([ $ValidateSyntax $ChangeLogCode ] = true) do={
        :do {
          [ :parse $ChangeLogCode ];
        } on-error={
          $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The changelog failed to run!") false;
      } else={
        $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("The changelog failed syntax validation!") false;

    :if ([ :len $GlobalConfigMigration ] > 0) do={
      :for I from=($ExpectedConfigVersionBefore + 1) to=$ExpectedConfigVersion do={
        :local Migration ($GlobalConfigMigration->[ :tostr $I ]);
        :if ([ :typeof $Migration ] = "str") do={
          :if ([ $ValidateSyntax $Migration ] = true) do={
            $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Applying migration for change " . $I . ": " . $Migration) false;
            :do {
              [ :parse $Migration ];
            } on-error={
              $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Migration code for change " . $I . " failed to run!") false;
          } else={
            $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Migration code for change " . $I . " failed syntax validation!") false;

    :local NotificationMessage ("The configuration version on " . $Identity . " increased " . \
       "to " . $ExpectedConfigVersion . ", current configuration may need modification. " . \
       "Please review and update global-config-overlay, then re-run global-config.");
    $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ($NotificationMessage) false;

    :if ([ :len $GlobalConfigChanges ] > 0) do={
      :set NotificationMessage ($NotificationMessage . "\n\nChanges:");
      :for I from=($ExpectedConfigVersionBefore + 1) to=$ExpectedConfigVersion do={
        :local Change ($GlobalConfigChanges->[ :tostr $I ]);
        :set NotificationMessage ($NotificationMessage . "\n " . \
            [ $IfThenElse ($NotificationsWithSymbols = true) ("\E2\97\8F") "*" ] . " " . $Change);
        $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Change " . $I . ": " . $Change) false;
    } else={
      :set NotificationMessage ($NotificationMessage . "\n\nNews and changes are not available.");

    :if ($NoNewsAndChangesNotification != true) do={
      :local Link;
      :if ($IDonate != true) do={
        :set NotificationMessage ($NotificationMessage . \
          "\n\n==== donation hint ====\n" . \
          "This project is developed in private spare time and usage is " . \
          "free of charge for you. If you like the scripts and think this is " . \
          "of value for you or your business please consider a donation.");
        :set Link "https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/#donate";

      $SendNotification2 ({ origin=$0; \
        subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "pushpin" ] . "News and configuration changes"); \
        message=$NotificationMessage; link=$Link });

    :set GlobalConfigChanges;
    :set GlobalConfigMigration;

# lock script against multiple invocation
:set ScriptLock do={
  :local Script   [ :tostr $1 ];
  :local DoReturn $2;
  :local WaitMax  ([ :tonum $3 ] * 10);

  :global GetRandom20CharAlNum;
  :global IfThenElse;
  :global LogPrintExit2;

  :global ScriptLockOrder;
  :if ([ :typeof $ScriptLockOrder ] = "nothing") do={
    :set ScriptLockOrder ({});
  :if ([ :typeof ($ScriptLockOrder->$Script) ] = "nothing") do={
    :set ($ScriptLockOrder->$Script) ({});

  :local JobCount do={
    :local Script [ :tostr $1 ];

    :return [ :len [ /system/script/job/find where script=$Script ] ];

  :local TicketCount do={
    :local Script [ :tostr $1 ];

    :global ScriptLockOrder;

    :local Count 0;
    :foreach Ticket in=($ScriptLockOrder->$Script) do={
      :if ([ :typeof $Ticket ] != "nothing") do={
        :set Count ($Count + 1);
    :return $Count;

  :local IsFirstTicket do={
    :local Script [ :tostr $1 ];
    :local Check  [ :tostr $2 ];

    :global ScriptLockOrder;

    :foreach Ticket in=($ScriptLockOrder->$Script) do={
      :if ($Ticket = $Check) do={ :return true; }
      :if ([ :typeof $Ticket ] != "nothing" && $Ticket != $Check) do={ :return false; }
    :return false;

  :local AddTicket do={
    :local Script [ :tostr $1 ];
    :local Add    [ :tostr $2 ];

    :global ScriptLockOrder;

    :while (true) do={
      :local Pos [ :len ($ScriptLockOrder->$Script) ];
      :set ($ScriptLockOrder->$Script->$Pos) $Add;
      :delay 10ms;
      :if (($ScriptLockOrder->$Script->$Pos) = $Add) do={ :return true; }

  :local RemoveTicket do={
    :local Script [ :tostr $1 ];
    :local Remove [ :tostr $2 ];

    :global ScriptLockOrder;

    :foreach Id,Ticket in=($ScriptLockOrder->$Script) do={
      :while (($ScriptLockOrder->$Script->$Id) = $Remove) do={
        :set ($ScriptLockOrder->$Script->$Id);
        :delay 10ms;

  :local CleanupTickets do={
    :local Script [ :tostr $1 ];

    :global ScriptLockOrder;

    :foreach Ticket in=($ScriptLockOrder->$Script) do={
      :if ([ :typeof $Ticket ] != "nothing") do={
        :return false;

    :set ($ScriptLockOrder->$Script) ({});

  :if ([ :len [ /system/script/find where name=$Script ] ] = 0) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("A script named '" . $Script . "' does not exist!") true;

  :if ([ $JobCount $Script ] = 0) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("No script '" . $Script . "' is running!") true;

  :if ([ $TicketCount $Script ] >= [ $JobCount $Script ]) do={
    $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("More tickets than running scripts '" . $Script . "', resetting!") false;
    :set ($ScriptLockOrder->$Script) ({});
    /system/script/job/remove [ find where script=$Script ];

  :local MyTicket [ $GetRandom20CharAlNum 6 ];
  $AddTicket $Script $MyTicket;

  :local WaitCount 0;
  :while ($WaitMax > $WaitCount && ([ $IsFirstTicket $Script $MyTicket ] = false || [ $TicketCount $Script ] < [ $JobCount $Script ])) do={
    :set WaitCount ($WaitCount + 1);
    :delay 100ms;

  :if ([ $IsFirstTicket $Script $MyTicket ] = true && [ $TicketCount $Script ] = [ $JobCount $Script ]) do={
    $RemoveTicket $Script $MyTicket;
    $CleanupTickets $Script;
    :return false;

  $RemoveTicket $Script $MyTicket;
  $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Script '" . $Script . "' started more than once" . [ $IfThenElse ($WaitCount > 0) \
    " and timed out waiting for lock" "" ] . "... Aborting.") [ $IfThenElse ($DoReturn = true) false true ];
  :return true;

# send notification via NotificationFunctions - expects at least two string arguments
:set SendNotification do={
  :global SendNotification2;

  $SendNotification2 ({ subject=$1; message=$2; link=$3; silent=$4 });

# send notification via NotificationFunctions - expects one array argument
:set SendNotification2 do={
  :local Notification $1;

  :global NotificationFunctions;

  :foreach FunctionName,Discard in=$NotificationFunctions do={
    ($NotificationFunctions->$FunctionName) \
      ("\$NotificationFunctions->\"" . $FunctionName . "\"") \

# return UTF-8 symbol for unicode name
:set SymbolByUnicodeName do={
  :local Symbols {

  :return (($Symbols->$1) . "\EF\B8\8F");

# return symbol for notification
:set SymbolForNotification do={
  :global NotificationsWithSymbols;
  :global SymbolByUnicodeName;

  :if ($NotificationsWithSymbols != true) do={
    :return "";
  :local Return "";
  :foreach Symbol in=[ :toarray $1 ] do={
    :set Return ($Return . [ $SymbolByUnicodeName $Symbol ]);
  :return ($Return . " ");

# url encoding
:set UrlEncode do={
  :local Input [ :tostr $1 ];

  :if ([ :len $Input ] = 0) do={
    :return "";

  :local Return "";
  :local Chars ("\n\r !\"#\$%&'()*+,:;<=>\?@[\\]^`{|}~");
  :local Subs { "%0A"; "%0D"; "%20"; "%21"; "%22"; "%23"; "%24"; "%25"; "%26"; "%27";
         "%28"; "%29"; "%2A"; "%2B"; "%2C"; "%3A"; "%3B"; "%3C"; "%3D"; "%3E"; "%3F";
         "%40"; "%5B"; "%5C"; "%5D"; "%5E"; "%60"; "%7B"; "%7C"; "%7D"; "%7E" };

  :for I from=0 to=([ :len $Input ] - 1) do={
    :local Char [ :pick $Input $I ];
    :local Replace [ :find $Chars $Char ];

    :if ([ :typeof $Replace ] = "num") do={
      :set Char ($Subs->$Replace);
    :set Return ($Return . $Char);

  :return $Return;

# basic syntax validation
:set ValidateSyntax do={
  :local Code [ :tostr $1 ];

  :do {
    [ :parse (":local Validate do={\n" . $Code . "\n}") ];
  } on-error={
    :return false;
  :return true;

# convert version string to numeric value
:set VersionToNum do={
  :local Input [ :tostr $1 ];
  :local Multi 0x1000000;
  :local Return 0;

  :global CharacterReplace;

  :set Input [ $CharacterReplace [ $CharacterReplace [ $CharacterReplace $Input \
    "." "," ] "beta" ",beta," ] "rc" ",rc," ];

  :foreach Value in=([ :toarray $Input ], 0) do={
    :local Num [ :tonum $Value ];
    :if ($Multi = 0x100) do={
      :if ([ :typeof $Num ] = "num") do={
        :set Return ($Return + 0xff00);
        :set Multi ($Multi / 0x100);
      } else={
        :if ($Value = "beta") do={ :set Return ($Return + 0x3f00); }
        :if ($Value = "rc") do={ :set Return ($Return + 0x7f00); }
    :if ([ :typeof $Num ] = "num") do={ :set Return ($Return + ($Value * $Multi)); }
    :set Multi ($Multi / 0x100);

  :return $Return;

# wait for default route to be reachable
:set WaitDefaultRouteReachable do={
  :global IsDefaultRouteReachable;

  :while ([ $IsDefaultRouteReachable ] = false) do={
    :delay 1s;

# wait for DNS to resolve
:set WaitDNSResolving do={
  :global IsDNSResolving;

  :while ([ $IsDNSResolving ] = false) do={
    :delay 1s;

# wait for file to be available
:set WaitForFile do={
  :local FileName [ :tostr $1 ];

  :global CleanFilePath;

  :set FileName [ $CleanFilePath $FileName ];
  :local I 0;

  :while ([ :len [ /file/find where name=$FileName ] ] = 0) do={
    :if ($I > 20) do={
      :return false;
    :delay 100ms;
    :set I ($I + 1);
  :return true;

# wait to be fully connected (default route is reachable, time is sync, DNS resolves)
:set WaitFullyConnected do={
  :global WaitDefaultRouteReachable;
  :global WaitDNSResolving;
  :global WaitTimeSync;


# wait for time to become synced
:set WaitTimeSync do={
  :global IsTimeSync;

  :while ([ $IsTimeSync ] = false) do={
    :delay 1s;

# check for required RouterOS version
$RequiredRouterOS $0 "7.1" true;

# load modules
:foreach Script in=[ /system/script/find where name ~ "^mod/." ] do={
  :local ScriptVal [ /system/script/get $Script ];
  :if ([ $ValidateSyntax ($ScriptVal->"source") ] = true) do={
    :do {
      /system/script/run $Script;
    } on-error={
      $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("Module '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "' failed to run.") false;
  } else={
    $LogPrintExit2 error $0 ("Module '" . $ScriptVal->"name" . "' failed syntax validation, skipping.") false;

# signal we are ready
:set GlobalFunctionsReady true;