Upload backup to server
This script uploads binary backup (/ system backup save
) and complete
configuration export (/ export terse
) to external server.
Requirements and installation
Just install the script:
$ScriptInstallUpdate upload-backup;
The configuration goes to global-config-overlay
, these are the parameters:
: whether to send binary backupBackupSendExport
: whether to send configuration exportBackupPassword
: password to encrypt the backup withBackupUploadUrl
: url to upload toBackupUploadUser
: username for server authenticationBackupUploadPass
: password for server authentication
Also notification settings are required for e-mail and telegram.
Issues with SFTP client
The RouterOS SFTP client is picky if it comes to authentication methods.
I had to disable all but password authentication on server side. For openssh
edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
and add a directive like this, changed for your
Match User mikrotik
AuthenticationMethods password
Usage and invocation
Just run the script:
/ system script run upload-backup;
Creating a scheduler may be an option:
/ system scheduler add interval=1w name=upload-backup on-event="/ system script run upload-backup;" start-time=09:25:00;