Send backup via e-mail
This script sends binary backup (/ system backup save
) and complete
configuration export (/ export terse
) via e-mail.
Requirements and installation
Just install the script:
$ScriptInstallUpdate email-backup;
The configuration goes to global-config-overlay
, These are the parameters:
: whether to send binary backupBackupSendExport
: whether to send configuration exportBackupPassword
: password to encrypt the backup withEmailBackupTo
: e-mail address to send toEmailBackupCc
: e-mail address(es) to send in copy
Also valid e-mail settings in / tool e-mail
are required to send mails.
Usage and invocation
Just run the script:
/ system script run email-backup;
Creating a scheduler may be an option:
/ system scheduler add interval=1w name=email-backup on-event="/ system script run email-backup;" start-time=09:15:00;