Use wireless network with daily psk
ℹ️ Info: This script can not be used on its own but requires the base installation. See main README for details.
This script is supposed to provide a wifi network which changes the passphrase to a pseudo-random string daily.
Sample notification
Requirements and installation
Just install this script.
Depending on whether you use wifiwave2
package (/interface/wifiwave2
or legacy wifi with CAPsMAN (/caps-man
) or local wireless interface
) you need to install a different script and add
schedulers to run the script:
For wifiwave2
$ScriptInstallUpdate daily-psk.wifiwave2;
/system/scheduler/add interval=1d name=daily-psk on-event="/system/script/run daily-psk.wifiwave2;" start-time=03:00:00;
/system/scheduler/add name=daily-psk@startup on-event="/system/script/run daily-psk.wifiwave2;" start-time=startup;
For legacy CAPsMAN:
$ScriptInstallUpdate daily-psk.capsman;
/system/scheduler/add interval=1d name=daily-psk on-event="/system/script/run daily-psk.capsman;" start-time=03:00:00;
/system/scheduler/add name=daily-psk@startup on-event="/system/script/run daily-psk.capsman;" start-time=startup;
For legacy local interface:
$ScriptInstallUpdate daily-psk.local;
/system/scheduler/add interval=1d name=daily-psk on-event="/system/script/run daily-psk.local;" start-time=03:00:00;
/system/scheduler/add name=daily-psk@startup on-event="/system/script/run daily-psk.local;" start-time=startup;
These will update the passphrase on boot and nightly at 3:00.
The configuration goes to global-config-overlay
, these are the parameters:
: pattern to match the wireless access list commentDailyPskSecrets
: an array with pseudo random strings
ℹ️ Info: Copy relevant configuration from
(the one without-overlay
) to your localglobal-config-overlay
and modify it to your specific needs.
Then add an access list entry. For wifiwave2
/interface/wifiwave2/access-list/add comment="Daily PSK" ssid-regexp="-guest\$" passphrase="ToBeChangedDaily";
For legacy CAPsMAN:
/caps-man/access-list/add comment="Daily PSK" ssid-regexp="-guest\$" private-passphrase="ToBeChangedDaily";
For legacy local interface:
/interface/wireless/access-list/add comment="Daily PSK" interface=wl-daily private-pre-shared-key="ToBeChangedDaily";
Also notification settings are required for e-mail, trix, ntfy and/or telegram.