
Manage ports in bridge

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🛈 This script can not be used on its own but requires the base installation. See main README for details.


These scripts are supposed to handle interfaces and switching them from one bridge to another.

Requirements and installation

Just install the scripts:

$ScriptInstallUpdate bridge-port-to-default,bridge-port-toggle;


The configuration goes to ports' comments (/ interface bridge port).

/ interface bridge port add bridge=br-guest comment="default=dhcp-client, alt=br-guest" disabled=yes interface=en1;
/ interface bridge port add bridge=br-intern comment="default=br-intern, alt=br-guest" interface=en2;
/ interface bridge port add bridge=br-guest comment="default=br-guest, extra=br-extra" interface=en3;

Also dhcp client can be handled:

/ ip dhcp-client add comment="toggle with bridge port" disabled=no interface=en1;

There is also global configuration:

  • BridgePortTo: specify the configuration to be applied by default

Add a scheduler to start with default setup on system startup:

/ system scheduler add name=bridge-port-to-default on-event="/ system script run bridge-port-to-default;" start-time=startup;

Usage and invocation

The usage examples show what happens with the configuration from above.

Running the script bridge-port-to-default applies all configuration given with default=:

/ system script run bridge-port-to-default;

For the three interfaces we get this configuration:

  • The special value dhcp-client enables the dhcp client for interface en1. The bridge port entry is disabled.
  • Interface en2 is put in bridge br-intern.
  • Interface en3 is put in bridge br-guest.

Running the script bridge-port-toggle toggles to configuration given with alt=:

/ system script run bridge-port-toggle;
  • Interface en1 is put in bridge br-guest, dhcp client for the interface is disabled.
  • Interface en2 is put in bridge br-guest.
  • Interface en3 is unchanged, stays in bridge br-guest.

Running the script bridge-port-toggle again toggles back to configuration given with default=.

More configuration can be loaded by setting BridgePortTo:

:set BridgePortTo "extra";
/ system script run bridge-port-to-default;
  • Interfaces en1 and en2 are unchanged.
  • Interface en3 is put in bridge br-intern.

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