#!rsc by RouterOS
# RouterOS script: daily-psk%TEMPL%
# Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>
#                         Michael Gisbers <michael@gisbers.de>
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md
# update daily PSK (pre shared key)
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/doc/daily-psk.md
# !! This is just a template! Replace '%PATH%' with 'caps-man'
# !! or 'interface wireless'!

:global DailyPskMatchComment;
:global Identity;

:global LogPrintExit;
:global SendNotification;
:global SymbolForNotification;
:global UrlEncode;
:global WaitForFile;
:global WaitFullyConnected;


# return pseudo-random string for PSK
:local GeneratePSK do={
  :local Date [ :tostr $1 ];

  :global DailyPskSecrets;

  :local Months { "jan"; "feb"; "mar"; "apr"; "may"; "jun";
                  "jul"; "aug"; "sep"; "oct"; "nov"; "dec" };

  :local Month [ :pick $Date 0 3 ];
  :local Day [ :tonum [ :pick $Date 4 6 ] ];
  :local Year [ :pick $Date 7 11 ];

  :for MIndex from=0 to=[ :len $Months ] do={
    :if ($Months->$MIndex = $Month) do={
      :set Month ($MIndex + 1);

  :local A ((14 - $Month) / 12);
  :local B ($Year - $A);
  :local C ($Month + 12 * $A - 2);
  :local WeekDay (7000 + $Day + $B + ($B / 4) - ($B / 100) + ($B / 400) + ((31 * $C) / 12));
  :set WeekDay ($WeekDay - (($WeekDay / 7) * 7));

  :return (($DailyPskSecrets->0->($Day - 1)) . \
    ($DailyPskSecrets->1->($Month - 1)) . \

:local Seen [ :toarray "" ];
:local Date [ / system clock get date ];
:local NewPsk [ $GeneratePSK $Date ];

:foreach AccList in=[ / %PATH% access-list find where comment~$DailyPskMatchComment ] do={
  :local IntName [ / interface wireless access-list get $AccList interface ];
  :local Ssid [ / interface wireless get $IntName ssid ];
  :local Ssid [ / caps-man access-list get $AccList ssid-regexp ];
  :local Configuration [ / caps-man configuration get ([ find where ssid=$Ssid ]->0) name ];
  :local OldPsk [ / interface wireless access-list get $AccList private-pre-shared-key ];
  :local OldPsk [ / caps-man access-list get $AccList private-passphrase ];
  :local Skip 0;

  :if ($NewPsk != $OldPsk) do={
    $LogPrintExit info ("Updating daily PSK for " . $Ssid . " to " . $NewPsk . " (was " . $OldPsk . ")") false;
    / interface wireless access-list set $AccList private-pre-shared-key=$NewPsk;
    / caps-man access-list set $AccList private-passphrase=$NewPsk;

    :if ([ :len [ / interface wireless find where name=$IntName disabled=no ] ] = 1) do={
    :if ([ :len [ / caps-man interface find where configuration=$Configuration ] ] > 0) do={
      :foreach SeenSsid in=$Seen do={
        :if ($SeenSsid = $Ssid) do={
          $LogPrintExit debug ("Already sent a mail for SSID " . $Ssid . ", skipping.") false;
          :set Skip 1;

      :if ($Skip = 0) do={
        :set Seen ($Seen, $Ssid);

        :local Url ("https://www.eworm.de/cgi-bin/cqrlogo-wifi.cgi" . \
            "?scale=8&level=1&ssid=" . [ $UrlEncode $Ssid ] . "&pass=" . [ $UrlEncode $NewPsk ]);
        :local Attach "qrcode-daily.png";

        :do {
          / tool fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl \
              $Url dst-path=$Attach;
          $WaitForFile $Attach;
        } on-error={
          :set Attach "";

        $SendNotification ([ $SymbolForNotification "calendar" ] . "daily PSK " . $Ssid) \
          ("This is the daily PSK on " . $Identity . ":\n\n" . \
            "SSID: " . $Ssid . "\n" . \
            "PSK:  " . $NewPsk . "\n" . \
            "Date: " . $Date . "\n\n" . \
            "A client device specific rule must not exist!") \
            $Url $Attach;