#!rsc by RouterOS # RouterOS script: backup-cloud # Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de> # https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md # # provides: backup-script, order=40 # requires RouterOS, version=7.12 # # upload backup to MikroTik cloud # https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/doc/backup-cloud.md :global GlobalFunctionsReady; :while ($GlobalFunctionsReady != true) do={ :delay 500ms; } :local Main do={ :local ScriptName [ :tostr $1 ]; :global BackupRandomDelay; :global Identity; :global DeviceInfo; :global FormatLine; :global HumanReadableNum; :global LogPrintExit2; :global MkDir; :global RandomDelay; :global ScriptFromTerminal; :global ScriptLock; :global SendNotification2; :global SymbolForNotification; :global WaitForFile; :global WaitFullyConnected; :if ([ $ScriptLock $ScriptName ] = false) do={ :return false; } $WaitFullyConnected; :if ([ $ScriptFromTerminal $ScriptName ] = false && $BackupRandomDelay > 0) do={ $RandomDelay $BackupRandomDelay; } :if ([ $MkDir ("tmpfs/backup-cloud") ] = false) do={ $LogPrintExit2 error $ScriptName ("Failed creating directory!") true; } :execute { :global BackupPassword; # we are not interested in output, but print is # required to fetch information from cloud /system/backup/cloud/print as-value; :if ([ :len [ /system/backup/cloud/find ] ] > 0) do={ /system/backup/cloud/upload-file action=create-and-upload \ password=$BackupPassword replace=[ get ([ find ]->0) name ]; } else={ /system/backup/cloud/upload-file action=create-and-upload \ password=$BackupPassword; } /file/add name="tmpfs/backup-cloud/done"; } as-string; :if ([ $WaitForFile "tmpfs/backup-cloud/done" ] = true) do={ :local Cloud [ /system/backup/cloud/get ([ find ]->0) ]; $SendNotification2 ({ origin=$ScriptName; \ subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "floppy-disk,cloud" ] . "Cloud backup"); \ message=("Uploaded backup for " . $Identity . " to cloud.\n\n" . \ [ $DeviceInfo ] . "\n\n" . \ [ $FormatLine "Name" ($Cloud->"name") ] . "\n" . \ [ $FormatLine "Size" ([ $HumanReadableNum ($Cloud->"size") 1024 ] . "iB") ] . "\n" . \ [ $FormatLine "Download key" ($Cloud->"secret-download-key") ]); silent=true }); } else={ $SendNotification2 ({ origin=$ScriptName; \ subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "floppy-disk,warning-sign" ] . "Cloud backup failed"); \ message=("Failed uploading backup for " . $Identity . " to cloud!\n\n" . [ $DeviceInfo ]) }); $LogPrintExit2 error $ScriptName ("Failed uploading backup for " . $Identity . " to cloud!") true; } /file/remove "tmpfs/backup-cloud"; } $Main [ :jobname ];