# do challenge/response with Yubikey and try to answer password agent # Known Yubikey product ids as of 2015-01-04, # Yubikeys with OTP should support HMAC-SHA1 as well. # see /usr/include/ykpers-1/ykdef.h or # https://github.com/Yubico/yubikey-personalization/blob/master/ykcore/ykdef.h # # 0010 Yubikey (version 1 and 2) # 0110 Yubikey NEO - OTP only # 0111 Yubikey NEO - OTP and CCID # 0112 Yubikey NEO - CCID only # 0113 Yubikey NEO - U2F only # 0114 Yubikey NEO - OTP and U2F # 0115 Yubikey NEO - U2F and CCID # 0116 Yubikey NEO - OTP, U2F and CCID # 0401 Yubikey 4 - OTP only # 0402 Yubikey 4 - U2F only # 0403 Yubikey 4 - OTP and U2F # 0404 Yubikey 4 - CCID only # 0405 Yubikey 4 - OTP and CCID # 0406 Yubikey 4 - U2F and CCID # 0407 Yubikey 4 - OTP, U2F and CCID # 0410 Yubikey plus - OTP+U2F ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", \ ATTRS{idVendor}=="1050", \ ATTRS{idProduct}=="0010|0110|0111|0114|0116|0401|0403|0405|0407|0410", \ RUN+="/usr/lib/ykfde/worker"