mkinitcpio-ykfde ================ **Full disk encryption with Yubikey (Yubico key)** This allows to automatically unlock a LUKS encrypted hard disk from `systemd`- enabled initramfs. Requirements ------------ To compile and use yubico full disk encryption you need: * [yubikey-personalization]( * [iniparser]( * [systemd]( * [cryptsetup]( * [mkinitcpio]( (Though it may be easy to port this to any initramfs that uses systemd) * [markdown]( (HTML documentation) Additionally it is expected to have `make` and `pkg-config` around to successfully compile. Build and install ----------------- Building and installing is very easy. Just run: > make followed by: > make install This will place files to their desired places in filesystem. Usage ----- Make sure systemd knows about your encrypted device by adding a line to `/etc/crypttab.initramfs`. It should read like: > `mapping-name` /dev/`LUKS-device` - Update `/etc/ykfde.conf` with correct settings. Add `mapping-name` from above to `device name` in the `general` section. Then add a new section with your key's decimal serial number containing the key slot setting. The file should look like this: [general] device name = crypt [1234567] luks slot = 1 *Be warned*: Do not remove or overwrite your interactive key! Keep that for backup and rescue! `ykfde` will read its information from these files. Then prepare the key. Plug it in, make sure it is configured for `HMAC-SHA1`. After that run: > ykfde This will store a challenge in `/etc/ykfde.d/` and add a new slot to your LUKS device. Last add `ykfde` to your hook list in `/etc/mkinitcpio.conf` and rebuild your initramfs with: > mkinitcpio -p linux Reboot and have fun! Limitation / TODO ----------------- * At the moment this is specific to Arch Linux. Though everything should run with upstream `systemd` just fine anybody has to hook things up with [dracut]( or whatever. * The challenge is not updated on boot. The file is accessible read only in initramfs, but we have no easy way to write it to persistant storage. So probably this is a design limitation... However the install hook does update the challenge when building a new initramfs and and Yubikey is inserted. ### Upstream URL: []( Mirror: [](